Page 79 of No Regrets

“Was that who I think it was?” Ryan started the engine, driving away.



Dex glanced at him. “She was at the service, stayed back. I get the impression she thought I would be here with someone.” And that just made him feel like shit.

Ryan frowned. “Oh, man.”

“Yeah. I fucked up, Ryan, big time.”

“Talk to her. Explain.”

“I intend to. I don’t want anyone else, Ryan. She’s it. I should never have given up so easily in the first place.”

Ryan smiled at him. “About bloody time you came to your senses.’

MCGARRY’S WAS FULL to bursting. So many people had come from the base that he hadn't seen for months. Officers, team guys, more of Pops’ old teammates. It was good to see them. Dex went through the motions, made polite conversation, accepted condolences, but his mind was elsewhere. He’d meant what he’d said to Ryan. Kelly was his. His. If that meant just friends for now, then he was going to be the best possible friend she could ask for. And take it one day at a time, just like she wanted. Fuck, he needed her in his life more than he needed oxygen.

A couple of hours later, the guests started leaving. Dex was exhausted, ready to go home and kick back on his deck. Maybe he could call Kelly.

Sam came and stood beside him. “It was a great send off. I met Matt a few times over the years. He was someone I looked up to.”

“You did? Pops said your paths crossed once or twice but never said much else.”

“We never really worked together on anything. I just admired him. I told you before. He was an excellent commander.”

“Thanks, Sam. You heading out?”

“Yeah. You look like you’re ready to drop.”

“You got that right. Thanks again for being here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“No, you won't. I’d tell you to take a few more days but knowing your stubborn ass, you won’t. But I’ve told the whole team to take tomorrow. Get some rest.”

Dex managed a smile. “Nyx back?”

“No. The op got pulled. Need to regroup. But they decided to stay in country as we believe there will be another opportunity in the next week or so. So, they’re taking some R&R and sitting tight.”

“I hope they’re somewhere nice. I will take tomorrow. But that’s it. I’d rather be busy and with Nyx still out, we should be there.” Man, it felt great to be back on good terms with Sam.

“OK. But seriously, Dex, if you decide you need more time, just call me. It’s not a problem.” Sam turned to leave, before saying over his shoulder, “And yeah, they’re on a beach, so don’t feel sorry for those boys.”

“You ready to go?” Ryan stepped up beside Dex.

“I was ready three hours ago.”

Ryan grinned. “Let's get outta here.”

They didn’t chat on the short drive. Dex was all talked out. As Ryan turned into his driveway, he slowed to a stop.

“You good?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Opening the car door, he paused. “Thanks for the past few days, Ryan. Shit, you and the guys took care of everything. It means a lot.”

“You don’t need to thank us. We’re family.”

He nodded. Despite the recent blow-up, they were always family.