Page 32 of No Regrets

Sophie stopped eating and put down her napkin. “Why all the questions?”

Kelly stared at her friend. “It was Dex’s hearing, wasn’t it?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

“Kelly, I can’t discuss a hearing with you.”

“I put the pieces together, Sophie. I found the information. Violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. You can tell me; I have the clearance. It’s something to do with my rescue, isn't it?”

Sophie took a sip of wine. “I don’t know all the details. I was asked questions about your medical condition when you were brought in. That’s it.”

“It’s not the first time he’s crossed a line, but he and Joe always worked it out between them. I don’t understand why rescuing me got him in front of a review board. Please, Sophie, tell me what you know.”

Sophie sighed. “You could always call him, or Ryan, or any of the team.”

Kelly grabbed her glass, sitting back in her chair.

“How would that go? Hey guys, sorry I haven’t talked to you in weeks, but I heard Dex has a hearing. What’s going on? Not sure that would go down so well.” She gulped the last of her wine, then poured herself another glass.

“I think they’d all be happy to hear from you, but OK. I’ll tell you what I know, but it’s not much. The first I heard about the hearing was yesterday. I had no idea it was for Dex and was stunned. When I got there today, Ryan and Tyler were there. They’d been asked to attend too.”

“As witnesses against him?” Kelly put down her glass, the wine no longer tasting so good.

“No. All of us were there to answer questions. Ryan said the team had given statements, but just the two of them were asked to speak. He said something about Dex being on a no-contact order with the team.”

That explained the team not being at the house and Dex was probably suspended. “But why? They rescued me.”

“They did. But Dex was told to stand down. Another team were on route. He disobeyed the order and went to get you anyway.”

Kelly leaned her elbows on the table, lowering her head into her hands. God damn that man. Now it made sense. All eyes would have been on this op, after Bravo being ambushed. Joe would not have been able to keep this inside the team.

“Kelly? Are you alright?”

She lifted her head. No, she wasn’t alright. Even if this wasn't a court martial, Dex could get a formal reprimand or lose his rank. Both would severely affect his career.

“If another team was on route, why did he do it. Why risk it?’

“From what I understand, Alpha team were on their way home from another op and were closer to you than this other team.”

Kelly shook her head slowly. “This could be bad for him, Sophie. You said you don’t think the hearing is over yet?”

“Correct. I asked Ryan to let me know what happens. I haven’t heard from him yet.”

“I have to do something. He can’t be in trouble because of me, I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Dex made the decision; he has to take responsibility.”

Kelly leaned back, all thoughts of food and wine forgotten. She didn’t know what to think.

“Did you see Dex?”


“How was he?”

“He seemed calm. I couldn’t talk to him, so I can’t tell you much more than that.”

Kelly stared at her plate. Should she call him? Or Ryan maybe? Damn, she needed to do something. This wasn’t right. He shouldn’t be punished for bringing her home, even if he did disobey an order.

“Do you mind if we go? This has been a bit of a shock. I’m sorry to ruin our dinner.”