Page 127 of No Regrets

“Lieutenant Kimber’s life is more important to them than your brother. They have all the information they need from him by now.”

That earned him a punch to the face. “My brother would not give up anything. He would rather die.”

“He gave you up.”

Another punch, catching him on his already split eyebrow.

“Stop lying. We serve Allah and would never betray one another.”

“Serve Allah or Lazir?” Dex challenged. The longer he kept him talking, focused on him, he was leaving Kelly alone.

“We all serve Allah. Lazir brought us together, but we have the same purpose, to execute Allah’s will.”

“Lazir hides away while you and your brother obey his every command. Sounds like he has the better end of that deal.”

Saleem let out a nasty laugh. “You have no idea where Lazir is, do you? If only you knew.”

“Knew what. That he’s a weak man, afraid to come out and fight for the cause himself? My guess is he’s fled Daram.”

Saleem grinned, turning his attention to Kelly. “I am sure Lazir would be most happy for me to deliver you back to your cell. Let him finish what he started.”

The fear on Kelly’s face fueled a rage inside him. He was going to strangle this son of a bitch. Saleem’s phone rang, and he walked away to take the call. Deliver her back to the cell? Fuck, Lazir was somewhere on the compound. Had to be underground. Had they built living quarters accessed by tunnels? It was the only thing he could think of. Hiding in plain sight. Yeah, sometimes that was the safest way. When he got out of this, he was going back to Daram to hunt that fucker down, with or without Sam’s permission.


The timer was at twenty minutes when Dex spotted Ryan at the window. A wave of relief swept through him. Fuck, yeah, his team never let him down.

“Kelly, listen to me. Whatever happens in the next few minutes, you have to stay still. Do you understand?” he whispered. Saleem stood just a few feet away, talking on the phone. Kelly frowned, her eyes radiating fear. “You can’t move, Kelly. The motion sensors. No matter what, stay still. Got it?”

Kelly nodded. Saleem returned.

“Not long now. Let’s hope your command have agreed to release my brother.”

Dex stayed silent and waited, knowing what the team would do. Breaching both doors at the same time would give them the best shot at taking the men by surprise. That meant he would need to take care of Saleem and stop him shooting them point-blank, or setting off the bomb as soon as he realized what was happening. At least Saleem did not appear to have a detonator.

“Twenty minutes, Commander.” Saleem sneered.

Dex heard the speeding engine and saw Saleem frown. He braced, ready to pounce. An Onyx Caddy crashed through the double doors. Dex used those few seconds of surprise to lunge with his chair, taking Saleem down. The chair broke on impact and his hands slipped free of the rope. Gunshots sounded, but he ignored them, confident the guys were taking care of business. Saleem was his. They wrestled, but Dex couldn’t keep him pinned down. Saleem shoved at him, reaching for his pistol on his belt. Dex kicked out his tied feet, caught him in the calves and brought him back down. The pistol flew out of reach.

Getting to his knees, he raised his right arm and landed a punch to Saleem’s nose. Pain seared through his hand. Ignoring it, he hit him again. Bone crunched under his fist, blood splattering across Saleem’s face. He cried out, hands flying to his broken nose. Dex pulled his arm back to hit him again, but his tied feet threw off his balance and he wobbled. Saleem took full advantage of it. Punching Dex in the side of the head, he pushed up and landed another punch on his jaw. Dex fell back, with Saleem on top of him. Going for Saleem’s throat, he squeezed as hard as he could, hoping to cut off his circulation. Saleem gasped, struggling to breathe, his hand on his belt. Instantly Dex knew what was coming. As he twisted to his side, the blade came down just inches from his head. Saleem raised the knife again. Dex released Saleem’s throat to grab his wrist and pushed the knife away from his face. Shit, he couldn’t hold him. The knife was getting closer. Dex hitched a breath and bucked with all his strength, dislodging Saleem, but it wasn’t enough. He cried out as the blade sliced into him.

WHEN THE SUV HAD CRASHED through the doors, Kelly screamed, still stifled by the duct tape. Then Dex lunged at Saleem. Instinctively she wanted to duck as bullets started flying, but she fought the urge. If she moved, they would all die. Her eyes locked on Dex and Saleem. Dex was struggling with his ankles tied. God, she felt so helpless, sitting there watching him, not able to move.

When the blade sliced into him, her heart stopped. Blood seeped from his shoulder, and she saw Saleem raise the bloodied knife again. God no, please no. Get up, Dex, get the fuck up!

Her eyes blurred with tears. You can’t die, dammit. She screamed at him through the tape, willing him to fight. Dex roared, lunged up at Saleem, head-butting him on his already bloodied nose. Saleem reared to his side in pain and dropped the knife. Dex didn’t hesitate. He grabbed it and sliced through the rope on his ankles, jumping to his feet just as Saleem scrambled to his.

The bastard wasn’t done yet, but now Dex had the knife. Saleem came at him. In one swift move, Dex ducked Saleem’s flailing arms and plunged the knife into his gut. Kelly silently cheered when Saleem stumbled backwards. When he crumbled to the floor, his eyes were wide in surprise. Her euphoria soon vanished when Saleem reached out for the pistol he’d dropped earlier. He raised it and took aim at Dex’s chest. Nooooo! Kelly closed her eyes, unable to watch as the sound of the bullet echoed in her ears.

Hot tears poured down her cheeks, but she couldn’t open her eyes. Couldn’t see his body, not Dex. After everything they’d been through, to be shot dead in this warehouse, by Amir Saleem, one of Lazir’s soldiers. A deep sob shook her body. Every part of her trembled. Her blood rushed so fast, she could barely hear. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop shaking. Couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. Dammit, it was happening again. A panic attack. She vaguely heard voices, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying, too scared to open her eyes.

“Kelly? It’s OK. Kelly. Open your eyes. I’m right here.”

It sounded like Dex, but no, her mind was playing tricks on her again, just like back in Daram. Shaking her head, not believing what she was hearing, she wrestled against the ropes tying her down.

“Kelly, stop. You have to stay still. Open your eyes sweetheart. I’m OK.”

Warm hands cupped her face, raising it up. Her body stiffened as she fought to breathe.