Tick tock, tick tock. Kelly swallowed, fighting against the sickness. This had been his plan all along.
FBI AND LOCAL PD HAD searched all the addresses under the property management company and found nothing. Patience was wearing thin, both teams becoming increasingly frustrated.
Ryan’s cell rang, unknown number. He answered it. Dex’s bloodied face came into view.
“Dex, where the fuck are you?” Ryan motioned to Mackie who brought the video up on-screen and began tracing the call.
“Baxter, I need you to listen as we don’t have much time. I’m here with Saleem and he wants a prisoner exchange. Khalini for Kelly.”
Ryan glanced at Sam with a frown. He’d called him Baxter, which he never did.
“That might take some time.” He played along.
“I know it has to go up the chain of command, but you only have seventy-seven minutes, so move fast.”
Mackie immediately set a timer.
“What happens after seventy-seven minutes?” The camera moved to show Kelly, blood trickling down her chin and neck, a bruise forming on her cheek. The camera moved lower showing the timer counting down and the bomb beneath it.
“How do I reach you?” Ryan kept his voice calm, masking his rage.
Saleem’s face came into view. “You don’t, Mr. Baxter. I will call you with details of where the exchange will take place in seventy-five minutes. If you don’t have my brother by then...well, I don’t need to explain. I might even let you watch the show.” The call disconnected.
“Did we get a trace?” Sam snapped.
“No. He used a scrambler,” Mackie replied.
Ryan looked at their boss. “Khalini?”
Sam shook his head. “I think we all know it’s not an option, plus it would take much longer than seventy-five minutes. Dawson knows that too. He’s bluffing and made that call to buy us some time, or take the heat off them for a bit. We all know the bastard has no plans to release either of them.”
“Seventy-five minutes to find them, take down Saleem, and diffuse a bomb. I know we’re good, but fuck!” Donnie said. The team were all anxious as hell.
All eyes turned to Mackie when he said, “There might be a way.”
“You got something?” Ryan asked.
“I couldn’t trace the call, but I was able to isolate the area. It’s here on the island.”
“OK, that’s great, but still too big an area to search.”
“I know, but that video call showed us inside where they’re being held. It’s a warehouse for sure. That narrows it. We need to cross-reference with all warehouses. So, everyone grab a computer and give me a hand.”
No one needed to be told twice.
“HEY SWEETHEART, HANG in there, OK? We’re getting out of here,” Dex whispered. The sight of her tied up, bleeding and afraid, killed him. “Stay strong for me.”
This situation must be triggering everything she’d already been through. Saleem had started on Kelly when Dex refused to call about the prisoner exchange. He quickly changed his mind. Yes, they were not meant to negotiate, and he knew there would be no exchange, but hopefully it would buy them some time for Onyx to find them. They had to find them.
Kelly nodded, blinking her eyes and fighting back tears. Saleem had left them after Dex made the call. He looked around at the empty warehouse. One side door, vehicle access, and some high windows. His hands were secured to the back of a wooden chair, and his ankles were tied together. Two guards stood inside the door, both with rifles. He had no idea if there were others. He’d been working the rope tying his hands since he’d come around from the drug. It was giving a little but not enough. The chair was old, one slam against the wall and it would probably break. If he could get free, he could take both guards, but how the fuck would he diffuse a bomb? What if Saleem had more men stationed outside? He needed his team more than ever.
The side door opened, and Saleem returned.
“One hour, commander. Are you ready to watch your woman die?” He faced Kelly. “Or maybe I should return you to Daram.”
“They’ll do the exchange.” Dex remained calm, telling Saleem what he wanted to hear. Anything to get his attention off Kelly.
“You seem confident about that.”