Page 45 of Out of Bounds

Lucia:This isn’t going how I hoped it would. You’re going to need to explain yourself to avoid more of the judgement you’ve already received. Was there ever a time when you felt your point of view would’ve been beneficial? To show how you perceived Adrianna and Katja, and your personal thoughts. That way some of your atrocious decisions could be explained.

Kova:I am not worried by judgement. This was never my story to tell. It was always about Adrianna’s journey, the quest for Olympic glory, and how far one person is willing to go for a dream. Adrianna came to me with a purpose but lacked the proper tools. I gave them to her.

Lucia:You gave her more than that.

Kova:Speak up, Lucia, I am getting old. Living with only daughters is like living with a pack of hyenas. They burst the parts of my eardrum that barely recovered from the day before. I have it set with my attorney that I do not want a hearing aid should I become too senile to make my own decisions.

And why do you want to keep talking about my feelings? Men do not sit around and question one’s feelings. We kill our feelings with vodka. (raises glass) You do not need over three hundred chapters of my thoughts. Ria’s were enough to last a lifetime. I am telling you right now that I will not allow it to happen.

Lucia:Let’s take a five-minute water break.

Kova:Five minutes to drink water? Did you not learn anything from me. Thirty seconds is enough.

Lucia:(glares at Kova)

Kova:Clicking your pen aggressively like that will not remind me who is in charge here.

Lucia:You’re turning into a grump in your old age. I’m trying to figure out why anyone likes you anymore when you have moments like this. Has the arthritis set in? Is that it? Do your knees ache sitting there bent at a ninety-degree angle? Or is it a Snickers bar that you need to cheer you up?

Kova:I do not like your sense of humor sometimes, Lucia.

Lucia:Feelings are entirely mutual, Konstantin.

Kova:I’m starting to regret this interview.

Lucia:Back to the Plan B. We [readers] were appalled, mortified it happened the first time. Figured it was a one and done thing. Why not use a condom when you were intimate with Adrianna instead of giving her Plan B like it was candy?

Kova:The first time was a mistake on my part. But once we were skin to skin, I could not imagine being with her any other way. In all my thirty-three years, never had I felt a connection or spark of electricity pass with another person the way I did—and still do—with my wife. There was no way to mistake the way her hands were digging into my shoulders, how her legs locked around my hips squeezing me to death. Her breathing matched mine, and I inhaled her into me like I was living for the first time. I was not going to put a barrier between us.

Is it possible to confuse repulsion with passion? I do not believe so. Yes, we had our heated moments like all couples do, but I truly do not feel as though there was ever a time I forced her legs open.

As a coach, I was routinely tested. When it came to Katja, we used protection except for a few days a month, which I know even once is too much, but I was cheating on her. I did what I had to do.

Lucia:You know, Kova, I was hoping to redeem you for those who don’t believe you deserve Adrianna. But when you say things like that, it’s like I’m screwed all over again. I have to start from square one. What do you expect me to do with a response like that?

Kova:You can figure it out. I know you like a challenge too.

Lucia:I’m not putting flowers on your grave and cleaning it every damn week. If you can dig your own grave, climb inside, and cover yourself with dirt, then you can spruce up the top too.

But if that’s how you want to play, I’m game. How did you feel when you discovered Adrianna had slept with Hayden? I want to remind you they didn’t use a condom.

Kova:(blinks long and deep, flexes jaw) Have you ever felt instant rage take over your body and you cannot do anything to stop it? You are not in control of your thoughts, your actions, your emotions. Your body is on automatic. All you taste is blood. I wanted to kill. Hayden was a revenge fuck and nothing more, aimed to get back at me.He was not a justifiable fuck in my opinion. And before you say anything, yeah, I was a shitty person at times, but my actions were not out of spite to hurt her.

Lucia:No man is enough for her, I bet. Adrianna was trying to figure shit out after you guys got caught.

Kova:She did not need to figure shit out with Hayden’s stick dick inside her. In my opinion.

Lucia:If that’s the case, you were being blackmailed. Did you really have to marry Katja?

Speaking of marriage, what was going through your head when you watched Adrianna find out you were married to Katja after making love to her on the couch in her condo the night before? Oh no, wait, I have a better question. What was going through your head when Katja showed up at your office after you and Adrianna had incredible sex and she had to hide under your desk while Katja sucked you off? You were figuring shit out, and so was she.

Kova:(leans forward) I was thinking my cock wasspent and I did not know howI was going to get it up again. Adrianna and I had fucked for chapters like we tended to do, Lucia, or did you forget that too?

And to answer your other question, it was absolute torture when she found out. If I could have given my legs to take her pain away, I would have. There is no way to describe it. I was gutted, sick to my stomach. I wish she had not found out like that.

Lucia:(looks down at notes) We need to know more about the cocktail of pills you gave Adrianna when she passed out. You videotaped yourself touching her, then stored it on your phone, along with some photos, and she had no idea until you revealed them to her.

Kova:If you must know, Adrianna and I record ourselves often when we fuck.