Page 46 of Out of Bounds

Lucia:Why do you have to be so vulgar?

Kova:Ria has more stored on her phone than I do.

Lucia:Tell me why you did it. Tell me what you told Adrianna to make it right and let’s put it to rest once and for all.

Kova:The truth is, Katja and I had watched some movie where the husband woke up his wife by licking her pussy in one of the scenes. The night in Adrianna’s condo when she took the supplements, I wanted to wake her up before I left, but she looked too peaceful. I licked her pussy until she leaked into my mouth. She made the softest sounds and moved against my face like she was having a wet dream.I thought for sure if I fucked her, she would wake. Obviously, she did not, but she still needed to know. It is why I recorded us. I did not plan to hide it from her, ever.

Lucia:(baffled in silence)

Kova:She was initially shocked when she learned what I had done. But she was more turned on than anything in the end, as you know.

Lucia:I think I’m having a hard time processing what you said more than the act itself.I can’t help but wonder if you woke Katja the same way now.

Kova:(blinks slowly) Katja would have never allowed me to do something like that to her. But in case you need clarification, the answer is no, I did not. Never. I think she would have nailed me in the head with the heel of her foot if I had tried while she was sleeping. Katja was very much into beauty rest and did not like to be woken for anything.

Lucia:(fights laughter) Before we move on to more pressing questions—

Kova:More pressing than these, Lucia?

Lucia:More times than not, Adrianna was doing more damage than good to her body training the way she did. As a coach’s perspective and absolutely nothing more, was there ever a time you considered asking her to step back from gymnastics, given the state of her health? She was running on fumes with nothing left to lose.

Kova:I would not have asked that of Adrianna. It was not in my position as her coach to bring her down but to help her grow. I watched extremely close, given the knowledge I had. When Adrianna loves something, someone, she gives every ounce of blood inside of her to that purpose. Gymnastics is no different.

Lucia:So there was a time when you wanted to ask her to quit?

Kova’s somber gaze quiets the room. I study his expression. I’m curious to hear what he has to say. After everything, I don’t think he’d lie to me, but a leopard never changes its spots.

Kova:The rope climb. Something snapped inside of me and that was it. I already loved her too much to stand by and watch her kill herself to get a cool necklace that will collect dust. I was terrified she was going to fall and snap her spine in half. I had no choice but to lurk like a damn creep because no one knew what I knew. I was going out of my fucking mind trying to keep her alive and walking on her own.

But then you know what came next, and that changed my mind. And not because of the sex, that was a bonus. The moment the knife broke through my skin, we did the impossible and connected two parallel worlds that made no sense to anyone. We were irreversible. That was it. The first drop of blood sealed our future.

Nothing for us has been easy. It would be selfish of me to ask her to stop breathing when I could help her float when she needed a minute. So that is what I did. At least, I tried to. I am oddly fortunate a hurricane came through to trap us. Asking Adrianna to stop gymnastics would have been more damaging to her well-being than kidney disease. I do not think I could have let the words leave my mouth even though they were on my mind.

Lucia:(looks away to allow Kova a moment to collect himself)

Kova:Lucia, I actually have a question for you.

Lucia:Moi? Sock it to me.

Kova:If I had actually told Ria to take a step back from gymnastics, would you have written the words?


Kova:That was quick.

Lucia:I just… I just don’t think I could have written those words. I would have tried everything not to write them. Not after the time we spent together showing her story and what the sport means to her. I think, like you, it may have been more detrimental to her health than anything.

Wow. I can’t believe I’m saying this too.

There’d been numerous times when even I thought, “Okay, this is enough, she’s got to stop.” Even so, it never occurred to me for her to stop.

So I stayed close, like you, and watched her. It’s why the Achilles surgery was pushed back so many times. Her leg could handle the wait when her immune system was literally attacking itself.

Kova:(gives me a smug stare)

Lucia:Against Adrianna’s wishes, Kova, Frank confided in you about her disease. Do you remember where you were when he told you?

Kova:I remember the day vividly when he called. It did not hit me at first, not until a few days later. I was training Adrianna at World Cup when I heard the exhaustion in her voice before I noticed it in her body. That is when it hit me. Ria always worked harder than she needed to, but that comes with the territory. The only time it would show was in her voice.