Page 36 of Out of Bounds

Svetlana tried to give it back to her, but she just brushed past her instead. “Me first, Daddy!”

Shortly after Mia was born, Adrianna was walking out of the kitchen holding a bottle she was about to hand me so I could feed our daughter when she collapsed to the floor in front of me. I would never forget the way she had looked at me and then abruptly stopped walking, how her eyes glossed over and turned blank, the way her body hit the marble floor in a heap. It was like the life was sucked from her. My stomach churned just thinking about it again. I saw my life flash before my eyes that day while I held our crying baby in my arms.

Adrianna’s kidneys had shut down. Avery had been flown in on a private jet within hours to undergo emergency transplant surgery.

It had been the longest five hours of my life, and still I waited for the doctor to walk out with good news. I was going out of my mind, and Frank and Xavier were not helping the situation. No one knew how Adrianna or Avery were doing. Mia whined nearly the whole time. Xavier stalked the floor like a caged lion, and Frank almost lost it completely when he learned I was the only one allowed to receive Adrianna’s medical updates.

When Adrianna had become pregnant, she and Frank were not on great terms. Being that she had kidney disease and lupus, she had to fill out paperwork stating that I was the only one her doctors were allowed to speak to in regard to her health. She named me power of attorney in the event she was incapacitated or worse.

It was fucking tense between the three of us in the waiting room. Worse than when Adrianna gave birth. They had acted like assholes when Mia was born and I let it slide. This time I would not.

Adrianna and Avery were expected to stay anywhere from five to ten days in the hospital recovering. I refused to deal with Frank’s and Xavier’s bullshit the entire time. This was not about the past, and they needed to let it go. This was about Adrianna and coming together to support her.

Finally, we were allowed to see Adrianna, and we each had our moments with her. Sophia offered to take Mia home with her so I could stay by Adrianna’s side. I was hesitant as Mia was barely six months old and neither of us had spent a night away from her yet, but Adrianna said she was comfortable with it and so I agreed.

I gave Sophia the keys to our home in case she needed anything, then asked to speak with Xavier and Frank out in the hallway. They both needed to understand I was not going anywhere. I was here to stay.

Xavier stood to my left. He was on edge and I got the sinking suspicion he was gearing up for a fight. I did not hit Frank back all those years ago out of respect for Adrianna, but that was then, and this was now. We were all adults and responsible for our choices. If Xavier was going to test me, I would not hesitate this time.

Frank glared at me. He had told Adrianna he wanted to be a part of Mia’s life when she was first born, but that he wanted nothing to do with me. Had it bothered me? A little, but I brushed it off.

I did not have a family growing up, and I would never make Adrianna choose. I encouraged her to go to her father’s house or have them over. I worked most days at World Cup, so it did not bother me if they were here or there. She struggled with it. I wished she did not feel like she had to choose, but I made it a point to show her it did not bother me. I could not care any less what they thought about me. I got what I wanted. Adrianna. Whether they accepted it or not was not my problem, it was theirs.

Looking Frank right in the eyes, I said, “Listen, we need to stop this shit and put our differences aside. I know you do not like me, and truthfully, I do not give a fuck. I love your daughter, and I am not going anywhere. You can either accept that and move on, or we can continue to torture Adrianna with this hate between us. Either way, I am going to be in Adrianna’s life. I lost her once, and I do not plan on losing her again.”

Before Frank could respond, Xavier stepped to me and I turned to look at him. I dragged my gaze down the length of his body, sizing him up. This was not the place.


“I know you did something to her,” Xavier spat. “She was fine. I just talked to her earlier in the day and she was fine. How does she go from fine to needing emergency surgery? I find it hard to believe she had zero symptoms leading up to this. I mean, she’s always at the doctor’s, they would have seen this coming.” He paused, his rage aimed directly at me. “That only leaves you.”

I felt my blood heat instantly. I was aware of how much he hated me, but he was taking it too far. This kid had no common sense and it was really starting to work under my fucking skin.

Lowering my eyes, I hardened my gaze. “You know nothing at all. You have never seen Adrianna at her worst, you have barely seen her at her best. You have no idea how easy it is for her health to drop into a downward spiral in a matter of minutes,” I said, snapping my fingers. “I know what that is like because I am the one witnessing every second of it. Get your shit together and get out of my face. I will tell you like I told your father, I am not going anywhere. Learn to deal with it like a man and do not bring that shit around Adrianna or my daughter anymore.”

He was seething. “How dare you talk to me like that.”

“I will talk to you exactly how I want.” I pointed toward her room down the hall. “Do you think she does not feel the tension in the room with all of us? This is an extremely critical time in her and Avery’s lives right now. Anything could happen.”

“You think because you have a child with her it changes anything? Like you call the shots or something? You will always be fucking scum, and I’ll never respect you.”

“Xavier, I do not give a fuck if you respect me or not. This is not about me. I am not asking you to like me. I am asking you to put your differences aside for the sake of your sister. Think about what you are losing out on when you keep allowing the past to alter your future. We need to come together and be as civil as possible and put an end to this bullshit. Do you know she cries on every single holiday because she wants everyone together?”

I looked back and forth between the both of them. Frank had invited her over for the holidays, but the invitation had not been extended to me. Adrianna was older now, more mature, and she set her own rules.

Adrianna was fiercely protective. If Frank could not accept me, then she would not accept any offer from him. It wrecked her even though I insisted it did not bother me. She spent a few holidays away from her parents and brother.

“I am not asking you for anything, but do understand that I am not going anywhere. However you would like to proceed is fine with me, but that decision is on you.”

That was the last thing I said to her brother, then I turned back to Frank and waited for a response. It was the only time I was going to ask for some kind of agreement, and I was doing it for Adrianna.

Frank crossed his hands at his wrist and gave me a curt nod. “I’ll never forgive you.”

“I am not asking for forgiveness.”

“Then we have an agreement,” Frank said, shaking his head.

I saw Xavier gawk in the corner of my eye, then turn around and stalk away.