Page 37 of Out of Bounds

At three years old, she was our tiniest daughter. People were often surprised to hear how old she was with one glance at her. She was our little pixie of a girl with untamable red curls and sabal eyes. Svetlana was noticeably smaller than her twin.

We were currently on pins and needles waiting on a diagnosis. Pediatric doctors believed it was caused by an underlying medical issue.

One night Sophia had offered to keep Mia overnight so that Adrianna and I could have a night alone. It was a peace offering of sorts from Frank, and I fucking pounced on it. Adrianna had been thrilled. I went ahead and scheduled a luxurious night to pamper her, but she had other plans when we stepped into the suite.

We both believed that was the night we conceived Nastia and Svetlana.

I did not know I had so much love in me to give.

Mia kissed the top of Svetlana’s head, then blew a loud popping bubble and twirled her finger around the gum. My eyes lowered. She knew the rules. Let her get gum in her hair again. Next time I will not use the peanut butter and a fork, I will just chop it off. Then maybe she would learn.

I could sit her on my lap and lay her back on my chest, that way she was comfortable with her belly. My cock stiffened as I imagined myself spreading her light pink lips and dipping two fingers into her pussy, then pulling them out of her. She would soften, opening her hips. Her pussy would be so tender and dripping, pink and swollen. Her breasts were off limits unless I wanted to taste breastmilk.

I may have some strange desires, but that is one I just cannot get on board with. I will stick to her pussy for now.

This was part of our rocky second chance start—accepting that she could handle all of me. It was not that I doubted her ability. I feared me and the pain I would undoubtedly cause her in the process.

I shook my head and her eyes widened. She spoke up before I could.

“We’re going to do this, that’s it. I’m deciding for us. There’s no going back,” she said, looking straight in my eyes. “I only have one rule. There can’t be any holding back from either of us.”

That was her only request because it was my biggest struggle. If that was all she wanted, I would try. I nodded like a fool, willing to agree to anything to have her in my life.

“Do you understand?”

“I swear it, Ria. You have every part of me. You are going to regret wanting more.”

“Never,” she said softly, then pressed a kiss to my lips.

My hands swooped to the front of her expanding belly, the pads of my fingers gliding gently over the scar. I deepened the kiss for a moment, thinking back to that terrifying night when she needed an emergency C-section with the twins.

Adrianna was monitored heavily during that pregnancy with bi-weekly, then weekly appointments. Her stomach grew extremely large and she needed help most of the time to stand. Twenty weeks into the pregnancy, Adrianna developed hydronephrosis. Baby B, which ended up being Nastia, left Svetlana to ball up on one side of Adrianna’s stomach, creasing the ureter tube that connected the bladder to the kidney, resulting in kidney stones and her new kidney to swell with fluid.

She was placed on total bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy and was no longer allowed to tend to Mia full time. Thankfully, I was able to take a leave of absence from World Cup, and Sophia and Frank were just a phone call away. This was a struggle for Adrianna as one of her biggest fears was that she did not want to be an absent mom like hers had been. The doctor reassured her that he was confident her kidney would return to normal after the pregnancy.

Adrianna was given strong antibiotics to fight infection and painkillers to break down the stones in her kidneys around the clock, two things she fought hammer and nail over. She was adamant she not be prescribed medication while she was pregnant if it was not life-threatening. This was another argument that resulted in me receiving a slap after I told her she was going to use up her one kidney and die because she was too stubborn for her own good.

I probably deserved the slap, but it was worth it. She took the damn medicine.

Six weeks later, Adrianna noticed she had not felt movement from one side of her belly through late morning. She called her doctor to notify them of the change and we were brought in immediately for an ultrasound.

Svetlana had fallen under duress and her heartbeat was too irregular. The doctors lost it too many times to be comfortable. Adrianna was transported to a level three hospital where the girls were born over ten weeks early at roughly two in the morning.

Svetlana is our little Russian fighter.

Adrianna plunged her tongue into my mouth, bringing my thoughts right back to the present.

Her sex drive when she was pregnant was worse than mine. Probably why she kept getting pregnant.

This was where we were supposed to be.

Grabbing her jaw, I said against her lips, “Let me show you what I was thinking about before.”

I never held back during sex, and she would not want it any other way. Her raging hormones made her a bit more aggressive. I told her that once and she did not take it as the compliment I was trying to give her. I knew my wife better than she knew herself. She was assertive and wanted me to give it back ten times harder, and I always jumped to the challenge. Just like when I knew she was feeling emotional and would rather make slow love to wash away any cries. We listened to each other… most of the time, anyway. I think she has selective hearing. But that was a story for another day.

“I think I’m pregnant with a boy,” she said out of the blue. I waited to see where she came up with this theory. “I feel like this is what it’s like to be you and want sex all the time. That’s why I think we’re having a boy, because my other pregnancies were not like this. My body is always on edge and needs to be fucked. Maybe I have an addiction problem, like I’m addicted to sex with you.”

“You better not be addicted to sex with anyone else.”