Page 29 of Steele

“I know. But every mistake he makes will add up. Once we grab him, we’ll have plenty of evidence to keep him in jail for a long time.”

“Unless he has a lot of money, like Neil Otterson,” she murmured.

“That’s true.” The legal system wasn’t always fair. Those with money rarely did jail time while awaiting trial, while those without money often did. It was one argument in favor of setting low bail amounts. Yet as a cop, it galled him to know that criminals could hurt others, then be out on the street within twenty-four hours to continue breaking the law.

“I don’t understand why they tried to kidnap me at first but now have resorted to shooting at me.”

That dichotomy had been bugging him too. “I can’t understand why the goal is to kill you either. You’re not a threat to Tommy Grotto.”

“I’m not a threat to anyone,” she corrected. “Not Jake, not Grotto or any of his buddies.”

A rap on their door had him jumping to his feet. He didn’t open the door until he verified the hotel staff member was on the other side. Ironically, it was the same guy who’d served their suite last month while protecting Elly. By the way the guy’s eyes widened, Steele assumed the staff member remembered him too.

“Thanks.” He took the tray, then passed him a tip.

The guy backed out of the room without saying anything more.

He gestured for Harper to join him at the table. “Let’s eat.”

She rose and crossed the room to sit beside him. This was exactly the kind of thing that made it difficult to keep her at a distance. There was way too much togetherness.

He should have asked Brock or Joe to come to the hotel too. Better yet, he should let one of them stay here with Harper while he returned to the crime scene.

He mentally grimaced. Yeah, no matter how much he lectured himself, he knew he wouldn’t make that call.

“I’d like to say grace.” Harper’s soft voice was not helping.

He cleared his throat. “Sure.” When she held out her hand, he took it. How could he not?

“Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for keeping us all safe in Your loving arms today. We ask that You please continue to guide Steele, Brock, Joe, and the others to the truth, while keeping them safe under Your shield of protection. Amen.”

“Amen.” Her sweet words were humbling. And somehow, he felt stronger with the thought of God watching over them. Guiding them. Protecting them.

If he were honest, it was the only explanation as to how they’d managed to evade these gunmen over and over again.

Was this how Rhy and Joe felt about their faith? He didn’t know and wasn’t about to ask. Most men he knew kept that sort of thing private.

But maybe that was the wrong approach. What did he know?

When Harper released his hand, he glanced at her to find she was watching him. Her sweet smile stole his breath. “Thanks for praying with me.”

“Anytime.” Really? What was wrong with him? He cut his cheeseburger in half and took a big bite to keep from making other rash promises.

Promises he likely couldn’t keep.

They ate in silence for a moment. Steele tried to think of a neutral topic of conversation but came up empty.

“I don’t like the way someone got into my apartment,” Harper said with a frown. “Is it really that easy?”

“It can be.” He hadn’t studied the inside of her building closely. “I would have to see it myself to know for sure.”

She hesitated, then asked, “I don’t want to be a bother, but would you be willing to change my door locks once this is over?”

“Yes, absolutely.” He told himself he would make the same offer to any single mother. This wasn’t a promise to support her. Just a helping hand to a woman in need. “It’s not a bother. You have your baby to think about.”

“Yes, and that’s what worries me.”

He took another bite of his burger. The early darkness outside made it seem later than it was. Maybe she’d get some rest once they’d finished their meal.