Page 28 of Steele

Her words were like a punch in the gut. No woman should be in constant danger like this.

His sister Amelia’s face flashed in his mind. He thrust it aside with an effort.

“All set,” Rhy said, returning to the living room. “Drive safe and watch your tail.”

“Will do. Thanks again.” He led the way to the door leading to the garage, then glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll check in with you tomorrow, okay?”

“Call anytime.” Rhy’s expression was solemn. “We need to get to the bottom of this.”

He couldn’t agree more. Rhy disarmed the alarm so they could get out to the SUV. After waiting for Harper to get settled in the passenger seat, he opened the garage door and drove down the driveway.

There was a long silence as he headed to the closest freeway ramp. After ten minutes, Harper said, “I never heard of the City Central Hotel.”

“It’s located near the courthouse.” He glanced at her. “The ADAs use it for witnesses sometimes.”

“I’m not a witness.” She stared down at her hands folded in her lap. “Isn’t that why I didn’t qualify for a safe house?”

“You’re not a material witness, but I think Rhy will talk to our assistant chief tomorrow, see if he can’t change his mind.” He wanted to reassure her that she was safe, but really, they’d barely escaped the American Lodge.

“I understand. I read the news; there’s a lot of crime. The city can’t put everyone in a safe house.”

Yeah, that much was true. And it wasn’t as if she had any key evidence to provide in the case that would warrant placing her in a safe house paid for by the city.

The trip to the hotel didn’t take long. He parked near the side entrance, but then walked around to enter the lobby. Thanks to Rhy’s call, the clerk had their keys ready to go.

The suite at City Central was nicer than the American Lodge, but it wasn’t anything super fancy. Still, Harper looked around in awe.

“This is great. I feel like I’m living in luxury.” Her brow furrowed. “I’ll never be able to repay you.”

“Not necessary, we’ve got it covered.” The suite was far from luxurious. Just thinking about her tenuous situation bothered him. Why did he feel the need to support her financially? Yes, she was a single woman about to have a baby, but there were hundreds of women living in the city under the same or worse circumstances. This secret wish to pay her rent or to fill her fridge with groceries was ridiculous.

Proof, really, that he was allowing himself to get emotionally involved. Something both Brock and Joe had warned him against.

He did his best to fight off the need to comfort her. “Sit down,” he suggested. “I should look at those blisters on your feet again.”

“I can do it. My stomach isn’t that big that I can’t reach my toes.” She shrugged out of her coat and sat. “I’m so thankful for these running shoes.”

He sat in the chair perpendicular to the sofa, keeping distance between them. “Are you hungry? I can order room service.”

She nodded. “I should eat something. But nothing spicy,” she hastily added. “I had Mexican last week and suffered heartburn all night afterward.”

“I don’t think Mexican is on the menu.” He rose and grabbed the menu. “There isn’t a lot to choose from.”

“It’s fine.” She eyed the brief list of options. “The chicken ranch wrap sounds good. Thank you.”

He placed an order for a cheeseburger and her chicken wrap. A text came in from Brock.Shell casings match those found at the previous scenes.

He texted back.Anything else?

Brown SUV abandoned five blocks from the church. Techs are sweeping it now.

He hoped and prayed there would be trace DNA found in the SUV.Good. We’re at City Central with Rhy’s SUV.

Brock responded with the okay sign.

“News?” Harper asked.

He filled her in on the evidence that was found so far. She sighed and shook her head. “That all sounds good, but we’re really no closer to finding this guy.”