"What are you doing man? Following me?" he asks with venom in his voice.
"Well, I spotted your little tag there,” I say. “Kind of hard to miss. You're one of them."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He tries to slide past me.
"Not so fast." I push him back. And then I grab his collar and slam him up against the brick. "What the fuck are you doing here? Tell me now."
"Nothing man. It's none of your business alright? Leave me the fuck alone."
He runs into my torso but it's all rock solid abs under there so I think he hurts himself more than he hurts me.
I grab his neck and put him in a headlock.
The time for games is over. I need answers.
“Tell me who you are and what you are doing here. Where's the rest of them?"
I'm choking him out and he finally answers. "Alright, I'm with The Iron Legion okay?"
I squeeze harder.
"I already know that now tell me the rest."
"Okay," he says through choked breath. "I'm their scout. I'm just checking things out that's all."
"So you're one of them?" I ask.
"Yes," he croaks this last word before he pushes into me with all of his weight. I fall to the ground and we're wrestling. I get a nice position on top and take the liberty of smashing his face into the pavement. He's bloodied and bruised but I don't give a fuck. He's lucky that I stopped before I killed him.
"Now go back to your buddies and show them what I have to your face and you can tell them that that is what they have coming if any one of them steps foot inside of our territory,” I command. I don’t hide the danger in my voice.“Got it?"
His bloody face looks like a warning. I want them to see what I have done to their so-called scout. I've been against the war but the adrenalin is pumping through my veins and just seeing one gang member enter our turf gets my blood boiling. I recognize the threat. I see what might go down.
If they're scouting the area then they are definitely not passing through.
They are on a mission to pulverize and we have to stop them at all costs. I'm possessive about two things, Zeva and my territory.
Both of these things must stay safe.
And no matter how hard I want to avoid war…
War doesn’t want to avoid me.