Page 28 of Three Beasts

Chapter 18


I’m at home and night has fallen.

I took a nice, soothing bath the minute I got home. Thoughts of Wade, Alex, and Jason however, have not ceased to torture my mind.

Today was an inescapable choice. How was I supposed to choose between them? I never could and I'm so happy they will have me this way.

I want more.

The remembrance of the last war dawns in my mind. It was the same with my dad and my brother. They were both really strict about keeping me safe. I knew their business was serious and I never would've defied them for anything.

Maybe the guys deserve the same amount of respect from me? I owe them that.

They have my respect but maybe I haven’t shown it to them enough and that makes me feel bad, like I owe them more. Maybe I need to trust their views on war, I don’t know.

I want to see it from their side and as I do I realize that they are ultimately fighting for me, to save me from distress and harm.

I set the table for just me and prepare to sit down and eat. I pull some lemonade from the fridge and think that maybe I made a mistake trying to defer them so much from war. They are intricately involved in this and they know the real danger like I never could. Bikers are a rough bunch and there’s no way to tell what they'll do.

As my mind is struggling to grasp what might happen, I hear the dogs start to bark wildly. Maybe it's one of the guys coming over to check on me. No one else visits the farmhouse this late. I hear tires screeching though and guys yelling and I realize I have it all wrong. That is not Wade or anybody I can trust.

The dogs continue barking. Thank God they're inside. I run to find baby Gamut and I'm heading for the porch. As I get to the living room though I see the headlights through the window.

Then I hear shots start firing off at the house, at the window, and at me.

I jump to floor, fear clenching my chest.

Fuck. They have me closed in unless I can somehow fight back.

I crawl on my stomach to the window and pull up on the frame. Shots are firing over my head.

It’s hell.

I manage to throw some back. Baby Gamut doesn't disappoint and neither does my aim. They turn the truck around and with my bullets trailing after them.

My heart is racing for fear of my life. I try to slow my breathing and think about what my next move should be. Before I can consider my options though, I hear another car come down the drive. Shit, they're back for round two.

But instead of a truck packed with guys pulling up I see its none other than the sheriff, Wade's brother, Cole.

I'm actually glad to see him and I feel relief coming over my body. I have escaped, narrowly.

But I’ve escaped nonetheless. The cops are not such a bad thing especially when they rescue you from monsters like that.

I wonder if Wade knows that Cole is here? And I wonder if him coming to my aide will make a shred of difference in mending their relationship?

I look around the aftermath of the brief attack.

My house is all shot up and the dogs are really going crazy now, thinking the intruders are back. But it's just Cole.

I stay inside and wait for him, not brave enough to leave the confines of my home. I‘m shaken up, but at least I was somewhat prepared and have my weapon. Otherwise Cole might have been too late and this all could have been over. I might be dead right now if it wasn't for baby Gamut.

I sink into the kitchen chair and my hands are shaking. I've always been kept out of the war. Never has it hit so close to home, much less on my doorstep.

I'm so thankful that Cole is here. He must have had an eye on me. Maybe he knew I might become a target of The Iron Legion? How else could have known to come to my aid so quickly. I live in thick of the country and there are only dirt roads out here. No one ever comes by that’s not expected. I think about Cole and how much I owe him.

I wait for him to come out of his cop car.