Page 19 of Three Beasts

Chapter 14


We're finally alone at the compound as everyone has trickled out. The meeting was full of drama with some members being for a war and some members preferring to keep the peace. It's always a delicate balance—that line between life and death, but ultimately for me, I think war is necessary. You have to show your strength up front otherwise people will find your weakness and manipulate it.

"Wade, if we don't go to war that means letting this rival gang just come through our town to do God knows what. They've been killing people, the leaders of other gangs. What makes you think they won't do the same to you?" I'm increasingly becoming more for the war.

I can tell Wade is thinking of Zeva; we all are. She is up in his room now, changing I think. It was her dad who was murdered because he was the leader. Thoughts of war bring back that memory. None of us would ever consider having this conversation in front of Zeva. We want to protect her and to shield her from thoughts of her family and from further violence. But from my perspective, the Iron Legion is a band of hardened criminals. They look for the fight. They look to kill. "Alex, I know you think these kinds of people have to be stopped," Wade says. "They don't deserve any special freedoms and if they come to our town they better be escorted out or they will die trying."

"Damn right." I'm amped for battle. I'm always ready to fight. "We have to ambush them and stop it before it starts. They are dangerous motherfuckers."

Wade pours himself a drink out of the bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter.

"I know Alex. I get what you're saying," he says. The battle lines are drawn. I see that. But do you know why I'm the new president? It's because of the war Zeva's dad was in. He died for war and now look at her, all by herself. People have girlfriends, wives, and families. It's important to remember that and to avoid war if it can be done. That's why I'm the leader. Because I consider both sides."

He's right about Zeva. I imagine she's upstairs taking a shower or a nap or something. I am constantly thinking about her. I want to go to her now and comfort her and fuck her and help her to forget all of this drama. At least she's in the house with us so we know she is safe. Her safety is of utmost importance now.

"I know Wade and that's really good to consider both sides. But you guys know where I stand."

Jason takes the whiskey and pours one long sip of it into his mouth directly from the bottle.

"I think," he says. "That we need to observe caution above all things. Let them make the first move. See if it's really worth fighting for. If we are the instigators then we will have the whole town against us."

"And if they come for one of us in the meantime?" I'm growing irritated at Jason's level-headedness. I'm ready to fight and to wipe these fuckers off the map.

"Then that means retaliation, in due course. And the punishment has to fit the crime."

"And just what do you think that will do to Zeva?" I ask feeling pissed off at Jason.

"She will be more protected without a battle that's for damn sure."

"Oh yeah? You think doing nothing will protect her?"

"We are not doing nothing. We are being smart."

"Guys, just stop it," now Wade's getting mad. All of us have a different point of view. I am not in charge, but if I were, we would be on our way to find them right now.

"Then Wade, tell us, what are your opinions on this?" Jason is so against fighting.

He sighs the long sigh of a man who has a lot on his mind. Basically, lives are at stake and blood is on his hands. It's no wonder Wade is considering all of his options. I would hate to be in his position. I'm perfectly happy being third. And maybe I remain at third rank because my personality is more explosive and I get anxious to fight.

Wade sips his dark drink. We all need something to take the edge off, at least until we can take out our angst on Zeva. Her body is better tasting than any top-shelf whiskey on the market. I want to be tasting her right now. But instead, I'm embroiled in a fight between friends that will probably never end. I will always be for going to war and Jason will be against it. It's just how we are.

"My position is this. I want to protect everyone and their families. Ultimately I want to keep our territory and our businesses in good form without people dying. We will always have to deal with rival gangs and we need to keep our reputation strong and our legacy long. Also, now I have a vested interest in Zeva and keeping her safe so that complicates things. I am torn between ideas of safety and love and duty to family and club."

He's right but Jason and I go at it anyway.

"You see Jason he doesn't want the war and neither do I."

"That is not what he said. Wade is saying we have a duty to keep our club safe and the notoriety strong."

We go back and forth like this for a while with Wade in the middle just scratching his head.