Just as we're wrapping up I feel Zeva's hands tuck around my waist. My stomach contracts and I have that intense feeling of connection with her. All I want to do is to drag her upstairs and to make love to her as many times as I can before this war starts for good.
I need to cherish these moments with Zeva, because as much as I hate to admit it, they may be my last. She will be safe of course but I'll be on the front lines and I'm prepared to die for this cause…but I'm not ready to leave Zeva alone in this harsh, cold world where who knows who would protect her.
I shiver to think of her not having me, but as her arms lovingly squeeze me and my cock gets hard, I let all the worries go and try to focus on all the positive things.
I have Zeva with me here, and that’s everything I need. Once we get the fucking Iron legion out of town, my worries will be over, and the sooner I can get on with my life.
And after this, my life will be … Zeva.
I don’t know how or why it happened, but the bond the four of us forged is…well, it’s fucking special. I’m not one to use fancy words, and I sure as hell don’t like having a rosy view of the world. But with Zeva, I can’t help but feel hopeful about the future.
Alex and Jason pull me aside, then, and I feel my lips turning into a thin line as I notice the concern on their faces.
“Wade, man…we get that you are trying to prepare everybody. But you seem hesitant about the whole thing,” Jason tells me, and I keep a blank expression as I hear his word. “Why? We can take them down. It will be easy.”
It’s always easy, isn’t it?
Until it starts to rain blood.