Chapter 15
I hear her before I see her.
"What are you guys yelling about? I could hear you all the way from upstairs. Is everything okay?"
I go to her and slide my arms around her taut waist. "Hey, we were just ... going through things."
"It seems like it was more than just that,” she tells us, her eyes filled with worry. War hasn’t even started, and it’s already taking a toll on her.
Wade comes over to her with a shot of whiskey. "Here," he says. "I've needed it to deal with these two and so will you," he tells me with a grin. I don’t know how he keeps his cool under pressure.
She leans up to kiss him lightly on the lips, and then takes her shot like a pro. I walk up to her, kiss her, and taste the smoky flavor of the liquid mingled in with her own taste. Thoughts of war and Alex and his position on it fly out the window as I have my arms around the most gorgeous girl in the world. I know she can feel my erection behind her and I press it up close to her body to get her thinking of me…not that she could ever stop.
She turns to face me, "Tell me the truth. What is going on?"
"The boys here were just going over whether we should battle The Iron Legion or not. They can't seem to agree on anything."
"Why do you have to consider war at all?" She asks us, but in her eyes I can see the truth—after what happened to her father, she wants justice as well.
"Zeva…they’re the Iron Legion. Murderers and criminals, the lot of ‘em. They are on their way here, and they will most definitely come after Wade," Alex says, still trying to make his case in point.
A sad expression comes over her face. "I know, I know…it’s just that…oh God."
Wade comforts her but we can see the sadness taking over her eyes.
"It's okay Zeva," Wade says. "It's not going to be like last time. We have way more weapons than they do. Plus, we're better reinforced this time and it's our territory, we know the lay of the land better than anybody."
"I know," she practically whispers.
See, this is the whole scenario I've been trying to avoid. I don't want to go to war because of people like Zeva. The last battle was not too long ago and she lost everything. I don't think this town can take another incident like that. I'm all for politics. If Wade can smooth things over without raising a weapon then that is the best route. That is obviously the best route.
"Do you guys see what I'm saying? Just look at how hurt she is. Do you want to do that to people? Have more war and strife? Wade, man, I just don't think it's a good call."
I'm trying to stifle my desire to take Zeva in my arms and bring her up to Wade's bedroom so that I can prove to her that the world isn’t just a fucked up place. It can be a good place. And as long as she's with us, the world can be safe. I want nothing more than to lie in bed with her all, and this whole thing with The Iron Legion coming to town has distracted me from my main focus, which is always Zeva. I can’t believe I’m saying, but I’m falling for her.
"Why are you even in this life?” she asks us then. “People die young and for what? For some deluded sense of pride? Look what happened to my family. My father is gone forever. Yours are too. You would do that to me, to us, again?"
"Zeva," Alex whispers. "Don’t say it like that. I want war, but it's only so that we can protect you."
"You could protect me more by making the Honeypot legit and abandoning this lifestyle," she says, and there’s no feigning our surprise.
"Is this something you really want us to consider?" I ask. I would never have dreamed that she would think we could abandon this lifestyle. It's all I've ever known and the MC is like family.
"Is it?" Wade asks. None of us can imagine a life without the Order, but I also know none of us can imagine a life without Zeva.
"I just would be safer." Her eyes fill with tears and I melt at the sight. A beautiful girl crying makes me weak at the knees. Or, scratch that, a beautiful girl like Zeva.
All I want to do is wrap her up in my safe arms and reassure her that all is right with the world.
She continues as the tears slowly spread down her cheeks.
"I always wanted my father to legitimize the Order, you know, to make things safe. But he thought I was foolish and then he ... died. I was right all along, I know it. And I'm right about this. You guys can't guarantee anything. If you go to war, or stay in this life, then you might be signing your own death certificates."
A shiver goes up my spine, cold as ice. Maybe it's an intuitive response, maybe it's the mention of her father, our former leader, who is now six feet under, but her words make me consider my own death for just a moment.