Page 30 of A Billion Secrets

We were going down in the elevator together.

He’d only paid for two hours, so it was a short night.

“I had a really great time, too, Javi,” I said, smiling into his dark eyes. “Maybe we can do this again.”

The elevator pinged and the doors swished open. He walked me out a few steps into the lobby, holding my hand. When he stopped, I turned to him.

“I will most definitely be calling you again,” he said, dipping his head and kissing me quickly on the lips. I allowed it, even though it broke my rules. Javi seemed so happy and—relieved. And it was hardly more than a peck.

“I’m looking forward to it,” I said against his mouth.

He laughed and slid something into my hand. “You can’t possibly understand how much tonight meant to me. I want to show you,” he said, closing my hand on whatever he’d placed inside, “my gratitude.”

Then he kissed me one more time on my forehead before he turned and walked out.

I opened my purse and stuck my hand inside, depositing what was certainly my tip. When I quickly closed the top, I started walking at a hurried pace toward the lobby doors.

My shoulders relaxed and I was glad to be done for the night.

I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. And I still had the drive home.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone move off one of the chairs near the door. I stepped further to the right, to get out of the way.

Then he shifted in front of me.

I came to a dead stop, ready to say something mean—when I gazed up and saw who it was.

Fucking Nick.

My heart nearly beat right out of my chest with shock.

The murderous look on his face didn’t help any.

“Have fun?” he asked, his tone laced with sarcasm and his eyes filled with violence.

I was glad for the witnesses surrounding me.

He wouldn’t have a fit in public.

Would he?

I felt like fainting—or possibly running away screaming—instead I gave him all the sass I could. “I was at work,” I said snidely to him, placing one hand on my hip.

He was not going to make me feel like shit for working to feed my family.

I could see the muscle in his jaw tighten. “We have things to discuss. Let’s go,” he said, reaching his hand out for my arm. I backed up, away from him, not wanting to go anywhere with him.

“I have my car. I’m going home to my house. And you,” I said pointing my finger at him, “are going toyourhouse.”

A sneer formed on his face, and I got even more frightened. “You really are fucking delusional to think that. We’re leaving. Now,” he said, emphasizing the last word as he stared me down.

I could feel my knees start to shake and my palms getting sweaty. “You’re delusional if you think I’m getting into a vehicle with you,” I said, standing my ground, hoping he’d give up and leave.

He gave me a low, crazy laugh. “You’ve got ten goddamn seconds. And then I’m picking you up and throwing you over my shoulder.”

His eyes frightened the crap out of me right now. The insane, intense way he was looking at me gave me chills. And I believed his threats. “You wouldn’t dare.” I challenged him, standing up straighter on increasingly wobbly legs.

Nick took two more steps toward me, then he leaned down. “Test me, Eve. I fucking dare you,” he spat out at me, alarming me even more. “And then see how quickly you’ll get banned from this hotel. Maybe you’ll even get all of Ilona’s girls thrown out of here. For good.”