Not my favorite place.
Where I wanted to be was with the argumentative, impossibly beautiful, Eve.
Damn, I loved her name.
I grinned wide as I thought about how I’d nailed her all morning in that old, squeaky bed of hers. I don’t know what it was—besides the fact that she’d never been fucked in it before.
Well, and the fact that Eve was naked in that bed.
When she’d left in such a rush this morning, I was furious. To say the least.
Our deal was a month, and I’d expected her to abide by it.
I hadn’t known her brother had been arrested.
And she sure hadn’t told me.
Which really pissed me off.
Had she said something, I could have handled it with one, calm, quick phone call. All done from the comfort of my office.
Instead, she flew off the handle and out my door, into the not quite dawn.
Thank goodness I’d thought to put a tracking device on her car.
That made it pretty easy to find out where she was.
Seeing her in that kind of distress brought up more feelings inside of me that I was certain I’d never felt before. All I wanted to do was help her and make her happy again.
Anything to make her happy.
Coming to her rescue gave me a nice, warm feeling in my chest.
She was completely broken.
And I was able to help.
She felt indebted to me now, which didn’t sadden me in the least.
I liked having her need me like that.
Gaze up at me as though I’d saved her whole world.
I had no idea why she wanted to bail that moron of a brother of hers out of jail. If he were my sibling, I’d leave him there to rot.
But, she did love him.
God knows why.
The only good part of that situation had been following her back to her house. Seeing where she lived—meeting her sisters and her friend—filled in so many of the pieces I’d been waiting for.
Her house was a piece of shit.
So was her bed.
These were all things I could help her out with. I smiled to myself thinking about how much more she was about to need me.
Unfortunately, that smile didn’t last long once I parked and got out of my car. I huffed as I slammed my door and made my way into the warehouse.