That only made her do it louder, so I threw a pillow at her head.
She still wouldn’t stop.
The only thing that made her quit was when Daniella started crying.
“See? Now you’ve woken your daughter,” I said standing up and smiling down at her. “Let me grab her.” I didn’t give her time to protest. She was in her car seat, so I undid the straps and pulled her out. “Did you have a good sleep? Aw,” I said, watching her rub her eyes with her chubby fists.
“I’m serious, you should go to Nick’s. He obviously wants you to keep staying with him,” Giselle said, reaching up for the baby.
I quickly turned and held Dani closer to me. “It’s not a good idea. Even if he does still want me.”
“Evie, there’s nothing you can do for Asher. Go have fun and earn some cash. Win, win.”
I took in a deep breath and gazed down at her. “Even if that’s the case, it’s still not a good idea.”
Her face screwed up in confusion. “Why the heck not? I don’t see a problem here.”
Then I leveled with her and told her something I didn’t want to admit to myself. “I—I think I’m falling for him.”
The frown melted right off her face, and it was replaced with a sad, sorrowful look. “Oh no, Evie,” she said, nodding. It was difficult to know that expression of pity was solely for me.
“Oh, yes.” It felt good to say it out loud. No matter how awful and conflicted I was inside. Admitting how stupid I was being made me a tiny bit lighter. “I know I’m dumb. And I also know a guy like Nick would never in a billion years fall for someone like me. I can’t help how I feel, though.”
Her face brightened a little. “You never know. Stranger things have happened,” she said, a small smile on her face. Gosh, she really was a great friend.
“I’m not living in an eighties movie.” I sighed, holding the baby closer. I inhaled her baby scent and it calmed me somewhat.
“Maybe you are? You’ve watched them all enough times,” she said with a note of sarcasm, and it made me giggle.
“Yeah, Giselle. Maybe I am. But probably not. No hot billionaire is going to come and rescue me from the street corner.”
She stood up and walked over to me, then wrapped her arms around both me and the baby. “You never know. Maybe he already did.” Her hugs were the best. I decided to stop thinking about hot billionaires and get on with the afternoon.
“We really need you up here, boss,” one of my lackeys said into the phone. “Somethin’ ain’t right.”
Oh, for fuck sakes.
The last thing in the world I needed right now was to have to deal with incompetent idiots. “I’m busy, can’t you take care of it?” I asked, my voice sounding whiny even to me. I couldn’t help it, though.
I was on my way to Eve’s, and I didn’t want to waste time on shit these idiots were paid to handle.
“I got a bad feelin’,” he said in a grating voice. “And you ain’t been around for days. It’s like you dropped off the face of the earth.”
Now that annoyed me.
I hadn’t been gone for days.
Perhaps I was more preoccupied than normal. But that I was allowed.
“Fine, I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I said before hanging up.
The fact that I had to make a detour really pissed me off.
Especially to where I had to go.