Page 33 of Unusual Noises

“So, it wasn’t like just watching porn?” I joked.

Cree let out a low huff. “Not even close.”

“Okay, so what happened?”

“Sarah and Kevin started screwing in the hot tub, and Lulee immediately got turned on, which wasn’t an issue at first.”

“What changed?”

“It was like…you know, like watching a car wreck,” he said, trying to explain. “It’s like none of your business and nothing good can come out of it, but you look anyway.”

“Okay,” I drawled out slowly, trying to understand.

Cree ran his hands down his face, and I winced at how close his cigarette got to his hair. “Kevin pulled Sarah out of the water, then started plugging her ass right there in front of anyone that wanted to watch,” he said. “The only reason that I looked was because I thought that they were getting out of the hot tub.” Cree shook his head. “Anyway, Lulee saw me looking at them, and…and she just got…”

“What?” I asked through a drag of my cigarette.

“She must have gotten jealous, because she started acting like a goddamn porn star,” he finally answered. “I’ve been with Lulee long enough to know every-fucking-thing about her, Saint. She started asking me to fuck her hard and dirty, and while that wouldn’t be the first time, it was the first time that she’d done it for the benefit of other people.” He took another hit of his cigarette. “That was the first time that she’d been with me for show and not because she wanted me.”

I almost winced.

However, before I could say anything to help him feel better, a rustle from the foliage on the right had us both turning to see what in the hell was coming out of the trees. Even though the Clarks had assured us that we were safe, animals-wild or not-weren’t big on reading the No Trespassing signs.

I could feel dread form in the pit of my stomach when Sarah and Trevor came walking out of the trees, his hands working to refasten his jeans. Sarah looked like she’d just won the lottery, and as my eyes started darting around, I saw that Kevin was nowhere in sight.

Now, while it wasn’t any of my business what went on between this girl and her boyfriend, I knew trouble when I saw it, and Sarah Raskins was trouble. She was beautiful, and she knew it, which made for a dangerous combination.

“Oh, didn’t know anyone was coming this way,” Trevor smirked.

“Just enjoying a smoke,” Cree said. “We’ll let you two be.”

“Oh, there’s no need,” Sarah replied coyly. “I mean, we’re all friends here, right?”

Yeah, this girl wasnotmy friend.

“That’s debatable since I just met you yesterday,” I retorted, making my position clear.

“Well, look here,” she drawled out. “It’s the party pooper.”

Instead of engaging, I said, “Well, we can see that you guys are busy, so we’ll just head out.”

“Why?” Sarah asked. “It’s not like Trevor didn’t get to cum already.”

Cree choked on his inhale, and I just shook my head. “If it’s all the same, you guys don’t need us for this.”

Sarah took a step closer to me, making me take a step back. “Who says that we don’t?” she asked, her eyes sliding Cree’s way. “I mean, if you do the math, we’d all fit perfectly well together.”

“Apparently, Kevin doesn’t mind Sarah going off on her own,” Trevor announced. “They like to broaden their horizons when the opportunity arises.”

“Yeah, well, my horizons are broad enough,” I told them both.

“Oh, c’mon,” Sarah pouted. “I already saw what these two are working with. I think it’s time to show me what you’ve got packing in those jeans of yours.”

Taking one last drag of my cigarette, I said, “Whatever I have packed in my jeans belongs to Verity.” Sarah smirked and that just pissed me off further. “Look, I don’t know what your game is, but I’m not playing it. In fact, just stay away from me for the rest of the week.”

Not waiting for her to comment, I turned my back on the pair, Cree racing to keep up with me. I didn’t care what other people did in their personal lives, but I wanted nothing to do with a woman that refused to take the hint. I was off-fucking-limits, and I’d made that perfectly clear last night.
