Page 32 of Unusual Noises

I couldn’t help but grin. “Let’s just say that I’mreallyglad that you risked our friendship for this trip.”

“I’d laugh and tell you that I told you so, but I’m scared that my head might explode,” she replied, though she was smiling.

“I never had a night like last night, Lulee,” I told her honestly. “Saint is…” I let out a deep breath. “Let’s just say that the man knows his way around the bedroom.”

“While I’d love to hear all the juicy details, I’m more interested in how you feel about finally being with him,” she said, and that’s what made her a good friend, despite her wild ways. “I don’t need you getting your heart broken over great sex.”

“We’re dating,” I informed her. “That was the deal.”

“Wait,” she ordered as she sat up straighter. “You guys made a deal before sleeping together?”

“He said that if I didn’t feel him all the way in my soul, then he’d give me more time to get used to us dating,” I told her. “However, if I did feel like it was more than just sex last night, then I’d agree to be his girlfriend and follow him after graduation.”

Lulee’s red, barely white, and blue eyes widened. “No way?”

I nodded. “Yeah,” I sighed. “But before you get too excited, graduation is still over two months away. Who knows what can happen between now and then. It’s not like he proposed.”

“He might as well have,” she snorted. “I’m not sure if you know this or not, but Saint Hendrix doesn’t have girlfriends, Verity. Plus, he’s asking you to follow him after graduation.” She shot me a look. “Delude yourself all you want, but there will be no calling things off with Saint after graduation.”

I grinned. “Well, it just so happens that I’m not looking for a reason to call things off with him. I’m just…I still have some breathing room is all.”

Lulee’s face softened. “Are you happy?”

“I’m…happy for now,” I hedged.

“What does that mean?”

“I won’t really know what Saint is about until we get back to campus and go public with this new relationship,” I answered. “That’s when we’ll really see what we’re about. Right now, it’s easy to get lost in the novelty of it all because it’s just us here. We’re in our own little cocoon of a new relationship, so we’ll just have to see.”

“Still, I’m happy for you,” she said, and she sounded sincere. “I think you and Saint are perfect for each other.”

“Well, since Saint and I aren’t having any issues at the moment, how about we get back to you and Cree?” I suggested.

“I just…it’s not that big of a deal,” she said tiredly. “I just owe him an apology, and one that I’m not sure that I’m up for right now.” Her head dropped back against the couch. “I really feel like crap, Verity.”

“I get that,” I told her. “I just…Cree adores you, Lulee. You have to know that. I can’t see him ever looking at another woman. Especially, not in front of you.”

“I know,” she sighed. “I let my insecurities get the best of me last night, and if nothing else, I am confident in saying that I never want to do anything like that again.”

I could feel myself beginning to feel guilty. “Maybe if we had stayed-”

“No,” she quickly objected as she lifted her head off the couch. “If you had stayed, it would have been an even worse mess. Plus, while Cree’s been extremely generous in our sex life, he’d draw the line at Saint seeing me like that. It’s one thing when it’s strangers, it’s another when it’s someone that you’ll have to see every day afterwards.”

I couldn’t argue that, so I changed the subject. “How about some coffee?”

“Oh, God bless you,” she rushed out dramatically.

Luckily, Saint had grabbed some for us after breakfast.

Chapter 19


There was nothing like toxic smoke with the hint of menthol hitting your lungs. While the entire world knew that smoking was a nasty habit, cigarettes had kept me out of jail many times. Plus, in my opinion, drinking was just as nasty a habit. Nothing was attractive about getting drunk and throwing up everywhere, something that I'd been guilty of more times than I could count.

At any rate, I’d been trying to quit for some time, but when we had walked back into our cabin after breakfast to find Cree and Lulee sitting on the couch, one look on their faces had told me that Cree needed a cigarette, if not an entire fucking pack. So, being the good friend that I was, I had left Verity to listen to Lulee’s version of events, and Cree and I were walking the trail, away from prying ears and eyes.

“Last night was fucking insane,” he said, exhaling a much-needed hit of nicotine. “I…I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but not that shitshow.”