Page 14 of Nate


“Your godfather. You said you wished you could reach him. Who is he?”

“Oh,” she said sleepily, “Chief Justice Seth Morrison.”


Nate looked back into the bedroom, ensuring that Harlow was still sound asleep. When she mentioned her godfather, his body was riddled with chills and not from fever. Morrison. A name they all knew.

“Yeah, brother, she said her godfather was Chief Justice Morrison. Her old man is an attorney for the Justice Department, and now this. I don’t like the feeling I’m getting. Can we check with Bodwick and see if we can get a feel for what the fuck Morrison is up to?”

“We’ll make sure to do that, Nate. It looks like the weather is already starting to let up, so we’ll be there first thing in the morning,” said Tanner. “Just to be safe, we deployed some drones and had them settle on the roof and the cliff edge. We’re monitoring the feeds to be sure no one is headed your way.”

“Appreciate you, brother. See you soon.”

Nate walked toward the sliding glass doors and looked left and right, finally spotting the large drone sitting on the edge of the cliff. He had no doubt there was one on the roof as well. All of it made him feel slightly better about their situation.

Nate hung up the phone and sat on the sofa, staring out at the Pacific. It was still black, but he could see some of the clouds swirling and moving out. There were no visible ships, and he didn’t see anything on the beach below. Feeling assured that no one was crazy enough to be out there, he returned to bed. Happy to feel Harlow’s beautiful skin against his body.

Albeit skin clad in flannel. He couldn’t help but smile at that. His back was stiff, and he could feel the pull of the stitches, but knew that she’d done what had to be done, getting his wound clean, the bullet out, and stitched up.

It seemed he’d only just closed his eyes when there was a light tapping on the bottom of his foot. He reached for his weapon beside him but then felt someone grip his foot.

“Don’t shoot me. Your mother will be pissed,” grinned Nathan.

“Dad,” he smirked. Standing, he was buck naked but didn’t give a damn. Hugging his father, he slapped his back, and his father chuckled.

“Maybe put these on,” he said, tossing him the clothes. “We wouldn’t want to scare that pretty girl off.” Nate nodded, quickly dressing, and moving into the living room. He shut the bedroom door behind him, placing a finger at his lips.

“Good to see you, brothers,” he grinned. He gave a hug to Tanner, Irish, Mo, and Bogey.

“Let me look at your back,” said Mo. Nate nodded, taking a seat on the stool at the bar. “She did a damn fine job. No signs of an out-of-control infection, but we’ve got some penicillin just in case.” Nate lowered his pants on one ass cheek and turned to his friend.

“Damn, that hurt. Where’d you learn to give a shot?”

“The same place I learned to shoot,” grinned Mo. “You’re good, man. It’s great to see you. Any trouble here last night?”

“Nothing. How did you get in with Fritz?”

“Fritz?” frowned Irish. “Oh, the dog. He’s a sweetheart. A little ribeye bone, and he was eating out of our hands.”


“No,” laughed Irish. “We had to call Mama Irene. She talked to him through video chat, and he calmed down.”

“Now you’re fucking with me.”

“Nope,” chuckled his father. “You need to wake her, Nate. We have to get you guys out of here.”

“I’m awake,” said the small voice. Nate turned to see Harlow dressed in blue jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Her dark hair was in a messy ponytail, but she looked rested, and that made him happy.

“Harlow, these are my friends and teammates. This is Irish, Mo, and Tanner.”

“I know Tanner,” she smiled. “Thank you for helping me.” She hugged him, and he smiled down at her.

“My pleasure. We couldn’t let this big asshole bleed to death.”

“And this is my father, Nathan.” Harlow turned to see the handsome face that looked so familiar.