Page 13 of Nate

“I do,” he grinned. “Michael Douglas Redhawk.”

“Michael Douglas. Like the movie star?”

“No,” laughed Nate. “Like two men my father greatly admired. We’re identical in nearly every way. He’s my partner and teammate.”

“I love that,” she said with a sad smile. “I always wanted siblings, but my parents said one was enough.”

“Were you a difficult child?” he frowned.

“No! No, not at all. Obviously. I mean, I let them bully me into this whole bullshit with Quinn and did as I was told. I was a good student. I had good grades, kept my room clean, never got into any trouble. My father wanted me to study law, like he did. But after I found out what was going on with him, I refused to consider it as a career.”

“So, what were you studying?” asked Nate.

“Criminology and criminal justice.” His brows raised, and he smiled at her. “I know it feels like a path to a law degree, but I was never going in that direction.”

“You’re definitely going to fit into our family. My mom is a lawyer.”

“Of course she is. Beautiful and smart.”

“Just like you,” he said, kissing her cheek.

She stood and took his empty plate into the kitchen, then stood at the windows at the back of the home. It was pitch black outside, the wind still howling as the rain and surf pelted the beach below.

“You heard the guys. This is typhoon-like weather. It won’t stop until sometime early in the morning. For now, no one will come this way. You followed all my rules, right?”

“Yes. No credit card purchases. No ATM withdrawals. I only used the cash that you gave me and kept the two passports in the lockbox you gave me. When I went to the grocery store, I walked and brought Fritz with me.”

“Good. You did good, baby.”

“It’s late. We should probably get some rest if your family is coming to get us tomorrow. I’ll sleep out here. You take the bed,” she said.

“No, babe. That’s not how this works. We’re going to be in the same bed. I won’t do anything tonight. I won’t pressure you now, or ever. I know you’re not ready, and I’m not at my best. I promise. Just let me hold you, and we’ll both sleep like babies. Where are my clothes?”

“I had to cut them off.”

“I have weapons in my clothing. Between that and the dog, we’ll be fine.”

“I didn’t feel any weapons,” she frowned.

“One more thing for you to learn about us. Come on, let’s get some rest.”

While Harlow took a quick shower and changed her clothes, Nate checked all the windows and doors, ensuring that they were still secure. He ordered the dog to remain in the living room, and he immediately curled up on his bed on the floor.

Before he lay down, he sent a text to his father to bring him clothing. With nothing to wear, he wasn’t going far in this weather. Laying back on the bed, he tucked one arm beneath his head and waited for Harlow to appear.

In a cloud of steam, she stepped out of the bathroom in a long flannel gown. He wanted to burst into laughter. She looked like a little girl getting ready to see Santa Claus. The red of the flannel seemed oddly humorous to him, the tiny edges of lace around the neckline.

“I’m sorry,” she said, brushing her hand down the front of the gown. “This is all I have. Obviously, I wasn’t expecting male company.” Nate smiled at her, nodding, and then patted the bed beside him.

“Just come to bed, Harlow. All I care about is that you’re beside me. The rest, we’ll figure out.” She pulled the sheet and blanket to her neck, rolling into Nate’s arm.

“You’re so sure of yourself and of us. Nate, I’m scared. What kind of life can I possibly have if those men are still after me, or you?”

“You have to trust me, Harlow. We’ll figure out what’s going on.”

“I just wish I could reach my godfather. He might know what to do.” She yawned, closing her eyes and cuddling closer.

“Who is your godfather, baby?”