Page 76 of Royally Cursed

So I did.

I kissed her right on those laughing, petal-pink lips of hers. I kissed her and poured everything I was feeling into our bond, not holding a thing back from her. I wanted us to be open and honest, two mates, side by side against the world.

Perhaps best of all, she kissed meback.

There were no troubles here, no weight or great tensions. There was only Ayla and me, the passion we shared, and the annoying amount of clothes between us. Our lips moved against each other, ardent in our desire. It was heat. Lust. Joy. It was everything, but at the same time it wasn’t enough, urging me onward, my inner wolf demanding more, more,more!

I was caught up in a twisting kaleidoscope of so many desires and so many sensations. I wanted nothing more than to get lostin the beauty and furor of Ayla, but I knew I couldn’t get ahead of myself. My mate was so new to things I’d been doing since I was young. She’d spent twenty-two years basically isolated in her own bubble. I wanted all of her new experiences, all the milestones we broke together, to be special. Maybe even perfect if I could pull that off. It was the least she deserved.

It took a great deal of effort, but I was able to pull ever so slightly away from kissing her. It wasn’t easy, and goodness, the siren call of her lips was practically irresistible, but I could do it for her.

“Don’t,” she whimpered, chasing my lips.

“Hey, I’m happy to kiss you all night. I just want to check that you’re okay.” I kissed her forehead as tenderly as I could. “So, are you okay?”

“Yes” she said, breathing hard against me. “I just… I know I shouldn’t but…”

More kisses all over her face. “It’s okay, you can trust me with whatever it is you want to say.”

“I… I just want one more night together before we get to my coven. It won’t erase all those times I wished that we could be together, but it would make it worth it. Just thisonenight.”

I kissed her fiercely, holding her like she'd slip away from me. I kissed her until I felt her heart against my chest and smelled her pheromones filling the air, thick and enticing.

“You can have all the nights for the rest of time with me, and anything else you want, my love. I belong to you in every sense of the word.”

I'd be her alpha, her protector; I knew this in my bones. I’d be the muscle, the warrior that kept evil at bay so she could heal and could use her magic for whoever was in need.

The gasp that escaped her lips jolted my very soul, desire welling up in me like an unstoppable wave. We kissed yet again,this one unlike any of the others. It was wild, unhindered, and much more confident on Ayla’s part.

I’d been surprised at how good of a kisser she was, considering that she likely hadn’t ever kissed anyone before me, at least not romantically. I didn’t care if she was a virgin or not, but my inner wolf was certainly pleased. It liked the thought that she’d never known the touch of another, that we’d be her one and only, forever and always.

But while our first time together had been completely magical, it'd also been careful. Ayla had been tentative, uncertain, and I respected that. I took my responsibility as her first time seriously, making sure she came before I even tried to penetrate her. I wasn’t a brutish alpha only concerned with his own pleasure. I was pretty sure that I couldn’t get off at all if my partner wasn’t into it, let alone my fated mate.

Ayla’s hands roved over my body, exploring my musculature. Her touch was gentle but bold, or at least bolder compared to our last encounter, and Ilikedit. Ayla charmed me, blushing and soft, looking for me to lead, but I liked this spark of fire in her so much more. After all, what attracted me to her wasn’t submissiveness or being a doormat. Quite the opposite, actually. The fire in her sparked inspiration in me and made me want to be a better leader, a better alpha.

“Gods, you really are incredible,” I breathed, her touch building more heat within me before capturing her lips yet again.

I couldn’t say how long I held her, ravishing her with a kiss, but I knew it wasn’t nearly long enough. In fact, a million lifetimes didn’t feel like it would be enough, but I also craved so muchmore.

Letting her lips rest, I trailed down her neck, inhaling her scent as deeply as I could, growing more and more intoxicatedby the moment. But it was a type of inebriation I welcomed with open arms, wanting to drown in her deep, unending ecstasy.

Once more, I was struck by the temptation to sink my teeth into her mating gland. It was practically calling to me, exuding wave after wave of pheromones that were genetically designed to thrill me, to inundate me with illicit desire, to bring my inner wolf out front and center.

“Oh, fuck,” Ayla whispered, more a gasp than actual language. I immediately resolved to make her repeat that as many times as possible until she lost control and started screaming it.

Then again, screaming probably wasn’t polite considering that our hosts would hear, as would everyone else in the house, so perhaps that part would have to wait until later.

“I want to taste you,” I growled, licking a long stripe up her neck, making sure to swirl my tongue around her mating gland but never quite on it.

“Again?” she gasped, and I took immense pride in how she was already breathless.

“What, did you think that was a one-time thing?” I teased, sliding my hand down her side. I couldn’t wait to get under the protective fabric of her uniform, to feel her soft, satin skin against my comparatively rough fingertips. She made me impatient in all the best ways, in a hurry to have her against me but eager to linger and savor each moment after that.

“I… well, I didn’t think it was realistic to expect iteverytime.”

As much as I did want to get things going, there was an important lesson I needed her to learn.

Kissing her once more, I looked deep into her eyes. “No, eating you out until you cry isn’t required every time we have sex, but we also don’t have to have sex every time I eat you out.I’m perfectly content with spreading you out like a feast and having my fill without ever getting my dick wet.”