Page 77 of Royally Cursed

Gods, I loved the deep crimson she turned while the scent of her arousal sparked sharply. I wouldn’t do it if she wasn’t into it, but it was pretty clear that she was a fan of my previous oral performance, and I hadn’t even learned about all of her body yet. The more time that passed, the more I got to map her out and find what gave her pleasure, the better I'd get.

The idea made me harder than I’d ever been before, my mind supplying images of her riding my face while trying to read one of those lengthy potion manuals I’d spotted in the infirmary. Having her in the bath, holding onto the curtain rods for dear life as I worked her over. Her sitting with her legs wrapped around my head as she dribbled her arousal farther and farther down my front.

Oh yes, we were going to have lots of fun. But that would all come in time. At that moment, my biggest concern was making sure that Ayla came at all.

“You don’t mean that,” she said, pressing her hands to her cheeks like that could somehow cool her off. I didn’t want her cool. I wanted her sweating, panting, andmessy.

“Wanna bet?”

I’d always known Ayla had a bratty side to her. Maybe it was the way she fluttered between affection and acting cold as ice toward me. Maybe it was the way she held her shoulders, and how defiance flashed in her eyes whenever she disagreed with me. It didn’t really matter in the end, only that my impression was definitely right.

She didn’t shrink away from me; didn’t say she was just kidding. Instead, we locked eyes, and I saw fire in that bright, enchanting blue. “Yeah, I do.”

That’s my girl.

I captured her lips in another bruising kiss, this one all heat and dominance, daring her to challenge me. She answered the call, and I could feel the fervor in our bond. She wanted to devour me as much as I wanted to consume her.

We went on like that for a bit, my arms snaking around her until, finally, I flipped us around, so we were no longer on our sides. Instead, I was on my back, and she was on top, her heart, once again, hammering against me.

“Wha—” was all she managed to get out before I pulled her upward. Rising onto her knees, she perched over my stomach, straddling me like a goddess.

Fuck, if I didn’t love the way she looked under me, all flushed and punch-drunk with arousal, Ireallyloved how she appeared over my torso, hands splayed out on my chest for balance.

“Aren’t I a little high up?” she said, wiggling her bottom as if she wanted to scoot down to my aching erection.

"Not for what I had in mind," I answered, grinning broadly. "But we're also both wearing far too many clothes."

Ayla looked down at her body like she’d completely forgotten she was still fully dressed. "Oh."

I laughed. She was just too adorable. Thankfully, she knew I wasn't mocking her, and she tilted her head back and laughed as well.

It wasn’t what most would consider sexy, but I thought those people had boring, regulated sex that wasn’t ever allowed to be simple or silly. Yes, sex was heat, desire, and delicious hedonism, but it was also bodies making funny noises, two souls being both vulnerable and open with each other. Sex should have laughter as well as delicious moans, inside jokes, as well as my hard cock slipping inside of her.

It felt like such a moment of connection between us that I sat up and pressed my lips to hers. I didn’t let it last too long, however. As tempting as it was to just spend the entire nighttasting Ayla, memorizing each part of her body, we did have to head out quite early in the morning, and I didn’t want to put her at a disadvantage. Not at all.

Once we broke the kiss, I stood up, and when she put out her hands, I playfully took them both and pulled her off the bed while she giggled. From there, I carefully, lovingly undressed her, letting my fingertips and hands slide across her skin as I did. I was mapping her out in my mind as an act of worship.

She was just soperfect,all soft curves and iron will, incredible power and yet so gentle, so filled with concern for those around her. She was a paragon of kindness, of consideration: so different from the social vultures and sycophants I grew up with.

Bit by bit, she revealed herself to me, her skin so fair that it was almost gossamer, translucent, with tiny rivulets of blue veins traveling across her body. She stood in stark contrast to my own deeply tanned skin and corded muscle—my antithesis, or perhaps my balance, the other half of my coin. We were both our own people, naturally, but we were better together. We weremore.

That thought nearly swept me away, carrying me off on a wave of such warm completion. I'd never known that there could be contentment so rich, so easy to come by. If I'd known such a thing were possible, I'd have been far more ardent in my search for my fated mate.

Years lost, thousands of little moments that would never be, dashed from a curse to beget yet another curse. I'd never take a single moment for granted again. Each breath now was a gift from a fate I never could’ve anticipated.

Finally, I'd gotten Ayla down to her underthings. The last time we’d been together, there hadn’t been time to fully undress her, to revel in her unmatched beauty or the yearning I felt forher. Now I fully intended to regard her in all of her unchecked, unhindered glory.

In my head, I was going to undo her bra clasp with one hand—a trick I’d always been rather proud of—but that plan fizzled out when I realized she was wearing a sports bra.

Oh well, it was going on the floor, either way. My technique would just have to be altered slightly. It would take more than cloth and spandex to keep me away from my fated mate.

Granted, I didn’t quite anticipate how difficult it all was to take off. How did women live with such things? Seemed terribly inconvenient and restrictive.

When I finally did get it over her head, those beautiful breasts of hers finally freed from their prison, I was almost overwhelmed by just how breathtaking she was. Truly a work of art, and one I most certainly didn’t deserve but wouldn’t ever stop trying to earn.

“Gorgeous,” I whispered, my fingers gently circling around the pale, pink rosebud of her nipple. I froze when she caught my hand, wondering if it was too much, too soon.

I should have known better, because when our eyes met, there was an inferno crackling there.