Page 184 of Royally Cursed

I hoped I was right as I cracked open the door and slipped into the hall toward my room. I made it, I did, but still startled when a servant laden with cleaning supplies practically burst out of another room, nearly barreling into me.

I meant to be silent as well and let out a small squeak. That was enough for them to hear, however, and my veil spell crumbled as their eyes locked on me.


That was one of the things non-magic users didn’t understand about veiling spells. They were to help you slip out of one’s reality, to encourage the mind not to spot the caster. But the spell did no good once their mind realized someone was there.

“Oh, uh, hello,” I said, searching for an excuse for why I’d be just a few feet from the prince’s door in my rumpled healer’s uniform with the worst case of sex hair I’d ever had in my life. “Is it time for breakfast yet?”

I swore I could see the wheels in their head turning, putting together all of the pieces. But my tongue felt heavy in my mouth, laden with panic and weighed down by my own awkward, anti-social nature.

“Oh, dear Healer Everton. I’m so glad you made it to your patient’s room. I apologize deeply for separating from you on our journey.”

Turning toward the voice, I saw none other than Halle, the attendant Seraphina had told me I could trust. She looked frazzled.

“How were they? Was the fever bad?”

I was a bit embarrassed at the few seconds’ delay it took me to catch on and come up with a believable response, but hopefully this just came across as exhaustion from healing this mysterious fever patient in the early morning.

“I was able to break it and get them the appropriate fluids,” I said as smoothly as possible. “They should recover well, but I am quite drained.”

“Oh, yes, I imagine you are. Again, I apologize deeply for your separation from your escort. Here, let me take you to your room and get you settled in.”

With this, she rushed to my side like a shield between the still-staring servant and me. I wasn’t really sure if they were buying any of this, but I was still immensely grateful for the attendant’s presence.

Once we were inside my room, Halle shut the door closed and pressed her ear to it, clearly waiting for the cleaner to go. I went and sat on my bed, feeling more than a bit anxious and miserable.

To think, just the night before, I’d said I didn’t much care what anyone thought of Kai and me being together. But that was in the wake of four mind-breaking orgasms and delicious cuddles. No one should ever hold me responsible for whatever far-fetched things I said in that afterglow.

If the truth came out about Kai and me, it’d attract far, far too much attention.

“Do you think it worked?” I said once Halle moved away from the door with a nod. I knew I was blushing because Halle knew I’d been fucking the crown prince, but she didn’t seem to have an opinion on it one way or the other.

“It’s hard to say. There’s always going to be loose lips around the palace, but honestly, there are so many people sleeping with so many other people they shouldn’t, this probablywon’t gain traction, especially if I put my crew on spreading disinformation.”

Her crew? I wanted to ask more, but she breezed past the information like it wasn’t important.

“This one incident will blow over, I assure you. For now, you have a good day, Healer Everton.”

“Thank you, Halle.”

She gave a small bow. “It is my pleasure.”

She exited, leaving me to my own devices, which mostly meant showering and dressing in clothes that didn’t smell like sex.

Mind blowing, thigh-clenching, wonderful, incredible sex.

Despite my ability to heal quickly, I was sore. The muscles of my thighs were screaming, and my vulva still felt a bit puffy and raw. I was sure it’d all be gone by the end of the day, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the ache while it lasted.

What a strange concept, enjoying the hurt, but I did. It was a bittersweet echo of the wonderful moment I’d been able to share with my mate, a moment I’d never thought I could have. After so much of my life in pain, it felt like such a lovely change of pace to be in pain thanks to love. To devotion.


If it were any other day, I might have touched myself in the shower to the memory, but my lower parts were a no-go zone for the rest of the day. Instead, I just let myself enjoy the hot water and this feeling of contentment. Goodness knew such feelings didn’t last.

Once I was out, I dressed in a plain outfit that’d been delivered sometime the previous day. They weren’t quite my style, but I wasn’t really sure what that meant beyond a healer’s uniform, so maybe such a thing didn’t exist. I was going to need to go out to Merrik with Darla to try to shop for the first time in my life.

The idea was exciting, but intimidating, as was a lot of the stuff I was doing lately. Who knew pulling myself free of isolation would be so complicated?