Page 185 of Royally Cursed

By the time I’d dressed and was ready to head out, there was the customary breakfast knock on my door. Just like before, a few moments after the servants cleared out, another knock sounded.

It was Darla and Mad Dog. I was relieved to see them and didn’t even try a feeble protest about my curse. Yvonne hadn’t extended her blessings to them, but I felt more on top of my curse than I ever had in my entire life.

We chatted for a while as we ate, and although I didn’t like the capital, I was getting used to the routine. For the first time in my life, it felt like I really had an actual pack—yet another thing I didn’t think I’d ever have. After the coven, I was so certain I’d be in exile forever.

To think, it all changed because Tristian, gods rest his soul, happened to overhear a conversation never meant for him. If he hadn’t tipped us off about the Shrouded Shriek’s attack, Kai and I’d still be apart, and honestly, Fort Canid probably would’ve ended up destroyed, and the surrounding towns massacred.

Yes, we dodged a bullet there—a massive, silver bullet—and it was all thanks to one tiny report from a late scout.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Darla said, a fairly ironic phrase to come from a psychic’s lips. But unlike the citizens of the palace, I had an inhibitor bracelet for Darla’s abilities.

“Just thinking of everything which led us here,” I said honestly.

“It’s been a strange journey, ain’t it?” Mad Dog agreed. “That’s coming from your fifth wheel, too.”

“Actually, now that you mention it,” I said, an idea coming to me. “Why don’t you and I go down to the training area together?I’ve heard Darla and Kai talk about it, and I want to see what’s up.”

Mad Dog’s eyes went wide, and he placed a hand over his heart dramatically. I loved it when the grizzled, muscled warrior got sassy with me. It reminded me not all books should be judged by their covers, even if those covers had scars and cursed like a sailor.

“Youwant to spend the day withme?” He looked over one shoulder, then the other. “Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming.”

“Well, if you’re gonna act like that, I can go on my own,” I murmured, leaning back, and rolling my eyes.

“No way, you already invited me. You can’t take it back.”

“Is that so?” I countered.

“Oh, it’s so. As soon as we’re done eating, I’m gonna take you down to the training yard and we’re gonna becomesuchbest friends, Miss I Can Read Everyone’s Mind is going to be jealous.”

“I’m right here, you know,” Darla said.

“I am aware.”

I burst into laughter. The three of us, all soldiers in a generational war, enjoyed bantering about like a high school drama on the television, maybe because it was light and frothy, so much less serious than our own problems.

When I’d finished cackling, I reached over and patted both of their hands. “Don’t worry, everyone. I love you both equally.”

“Equally?” Darla exclaimed. “Excuse you, I better rank higher than Mr. Chews with his mouth open over here.”

“Maybe she likes a friend who doesn’t constantly tease her about topics she’s obviously shy about.”

“Like you’d understand our bond.”

Their voices were rising, and anyone who didn’t know us would probably think we were serious. At least they would rightuntil Darla flicked her fork of scrambled eggs at Mad Dog, the protein landing in his face.

I had to disrupt a food fight that’d wreck my room, and I wondered how we’d drifted from high school banter to full on horseplay. As fun as food fights looked in movies, I wasn’t keen on how difficult it’d be to clean in mycarpetedroom.

“Hey, hey, none of this now. Let’s settle down and finish our food in peace like good guests.”

“Fine,” Darla said. “But I’m coming down to the training grounds, too. I haven’t done cardio in days, and I swear I can feel my endurance dropping.”

“Fair enough.”

We finished up our breakfast in relative peace, without any more food fights occurring. I noted this as a personal victory and felt pretty accomplished when we followed Mad Dog, or should I say Maddox, down to the training area.

At least Iwasuntil Darla grimaced beside me several times. I had the good sense not to ask her what was going on until we were in a much less traveled part of the palace.

“What’re you hearing?” I asked quietly, though this was a relatively futile task considering how many keen ears were around us.