“If there’s nothing else, why don’t you head home early? You’ve more than earned it lately.”

Fran blinks in surprise, her mouth opening and closing before she decides on another smile. “That would be great, Emmett, thank you.” She eagerly leaves the office, keeping the messages she took for me on my desk, and I sort through them until I find the contractor’s number.

The line rings a few times before a man comes onto it, hacking disturbingly into the receiver. “Yes?” He manages through a fit of coughs.

I clear my throat. “Yes, this is Emmett Lincoln. I got a message that there’s an issue with one of my projects.”

“Ah,” he says, sounding much more normal than the first words he muttered. “Yeah. Seems as though there’s a leak in the pipes underground. Might be a few extra weeks before we can get started on the build, we needed to make sure that was okay with you.”

It puts a dent in things, but at least I’ll have a little bit of time between projects to give to Casey so it’s not terrible. What else am I going to do though? If there’s pipes leaking, then I can’t just build a casino over them and act like it doesn’t exist. I clear my throat and nod. “That’s fine, continue as needed. Let me know if anything else comes up, I trust that you’ll get the job done.”

As soon as I hang the line up, my cell rings from my desk and flashes with Dominic’s name. What could he possibly want right now?

“What’s up, Dom?”

“Hey, I was thinking we could go out for a few beers tonight?”

I scrub a hand over my face and frown. It would be off if I denied his invitation because I never pass up going out, but the thought of sitting in a stuffy club while Casey has to lounge on the couch alone all night doesn’t feel right to me. If Dominic got suspicious though that would be an entirely different situation, which is why I find myself nodding against the device and saying, “Sure, let me know the time and place. I’ll meet you there after work.”

“Awesome, see you later, man.”

There’s this odd feeling inside of me that tonight isn’t going to go the way I had planned, but I can’t call him back and go against my word. If things go sideways, I’ll handle them the best I can. Maybe before I head out with him, I’ll make a stop at Dominic’s with some wings for Casey so that way she doesn’t feel entirely left out.


Casey was gone before I walked out of the office, which wasn’t really a surprise since most of the guests were out of here hours ago. The night air feels good against my skin as I step out of the doors and I lock them behind me. I’ve already placed an order for wings at one of the clubs down the road, so hopefully Casey will eat those. Now all I have to do is grab them and take the order over to her.

When I pull up outside Dominic’s place, I look around the windows and note that it’s eerily dark inside. I shrug, thinking that maybe Casey decided she wanted to lay down early after a long day of standing on her feet, and head up the long stairway that leads to the front door. My knock echoes through the night and I wait patiently for a few minutes, my eyebrows scrunching together when there’s still no answer.

I try knocking louder and grow concerned when there’s still no answer. Did she make it home okay? After what happened the one night with the robber, I’ve been extra concerned when it’s closing time. My mind runs through the images of the security system, which I always watch when Casey and the others are about to leave for the night, and don’t recall anyone approaching her tonight.

Where the hell could she be?

My phone pings with a text from Dominic wondering where I’m at and I let him know I had to stop by my house before coming to the bar.

Who knows what he’d think if I told him I’m standing outside his place right now.

Maybe Casey decided to spend a night with that girl she normally works with, and that brings a smile to my face as I make my way back to my car. The drive to the bar is short, but the line leading into the building is definitely the longest it’s been in a while. Considering I’m one of the wealthiest guys around here, and I frequent this bar, it only takes one look from the bouncers before I’m ushered inside.

The stench of sweat is strong tonight, which isn’t a surprise considering how many people are currently occupying the spot right now. I wonder what’s going on tonight, but that thought doesn’t get far when I notice Dominic sitting at one of the tables and Casey perched right beside him. She’s nursing a water, her eyes scanning the sea of dancers in the middle of the floor, before she locks her gaze on me.

Dominic stands as soon as I reach the table, patting me on the back like most men do, before leading me over to one of the empty chairs. “Took you long enough, man.”

Well, at least I know why Casey wasn’t home tonight and the reason her wings are going to be cold in the back seat of my car. At least I tried. She gives me a bright smile, but my eyes track over every inch of her skin. I’m sure she’s going to start showing soon, so it makes sense that she would utilize the outfits that won’t fit her in the near future, but damn if it doesn’t make me forget how to breathe.

Her breasts are nearly spilling out of the top, giving every man in here the show of his dreams. I’m surprised Dominic didn’t object to her going out looking like that. The dress is hugging her perfectly, showing each and every angle to her body, and with the heels she’s wearing her legs look a mile long.

It’s torture.

The way her hair is curled to perfection, her lips painted a bright red, and eyes shadowed with black. I want to see the red all over my dick, and it seems to like the idea since it’s currently tightening in my pants the longer I look at her.

She turns her attention to Dominic, giving him a small smile before saying something to him, then she’s hopping off the chair and heading toward the dance floor. Her hips sway dramatically, almost as if she’s doing it on purpose, and I have to dart my gaze away before Dominic can catch the heated look in my eyes.

Her body is the type in wet dreams, but nothing beats the image of her belly swollen with our child. I can’t wait to see what she looks like then, I imagine she’d be more beautiful than this. Dominic’s hand slams onto the table, sending the thoughts scattering away, and he smirks at me. “Who are you checking out?”

Shit, I wasn’t as smooth about it as I thought. At least there’s plenty of other women out there I could’ve been looking at. Is Dominic really that much of an idiot though? Surely he can see through the bullshit by now. “No one,” I grind out, hoping he’ll leave it at that.

He’s talking when I turn my attention back out to the crowd, and I notice a guy squeezing in behind Casey. I immediately clench my hands into fists, blood bubbling with the jealousy I’m sure she felt last night at my house, and I watch as she sways her hips in sync against his body. Her eyes find mine across the room, her mouth tipping into a playful smirk, and that sends my body into an inferno of heat.