She’s playing with me.

This is payback for the woman that opened my door. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she wants me to storm across the room and pull her away from the guy. I can manage to contain myself for a little while, though, and we’ll see who can really play this game. Instead of watching the rest of their movements, I smile at the bartender, who comes up to the table and slowly takes the beer she’s offering me.

Her hand brushes against my bicep, the action making my stomach roll with distaste, but I plaster a fake smile and wink at her before taking a swig of my drink.

Maybe this game isn’t so bad. I guess we just have to see who loses it. Judging by the way Casey is now moving along the guy, her hips locked into place while the guy behind her keeps grinding against her, I’m willing to bet she’s the one who loses.

I’m put into place, though, as soon as she realizes what I’m doing because she does the one thing that makes me jump from my seat, eyes casting behind me to make sure Dominic isn’t paying attention, then head in her direction with need in my eyes.

Chapter Thirteen


There’snoignoringthestormy look in Emmett’s eyes as he strides over to me on the dance floor, his gaze falling onto the guy pressed against my back. I’d wondered how long it would take him to come over here, steal me away for himself. It’s risky doing this, especially with Dominic somewhere in the room, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted Emmett to see what it feels like to see another man with me, feel the burning jealousy that I felt when I went by his house yesterday, and I smirk at doing just that.

Emmett’s hand lunges toward me, his fingers sinking into the flesh of my hip, and the guy behind me stops moving for a moment to say, “Hey, man. Back off!” If only this guy knew how much his touch is making my skin crawl.

I’ll admit, I almost stormed over to Emmett myself when that woman walked up to him and he flashed her that flirty wink. I soon realized he was playing a game of his own. Too bad I knew just how to beat him at it. I knew as soon as he saw me press my lips against the guy dancing with me that he would come after me and he definitely didn’t disappoint.

Instead of answering the guy, whose name I never bothered getting, Emmett pulls me flush against his body and growls low in his throat while looking at my former dance partner. “I suggest you go find someone else to take home tonight because it’s not going to be her.” He doesn’t waste another second in front of the guy and pulls me toward our table, which is empty of Dominic’s presence.

Thank goodness for that, who knows what would’ve happened if he saw that caveman display Emmett put on. When we get to the table, Emmett glares at me from across the flat surface and says, “What the hell was that?” The anger shining in his eyes does nothing to ebb the need for him, only making it increase to heights I didn’t think were possible.

What would he do if I walked up to him and slammed my lips against his. Would he invite me in, steal my breath away while roaming his hands all over my sensitive skin, or would he take us away from here and into our own private space? Either way, I’m more than eager to find out

Just as I’m about to open my mouth, ready to say something to get him hot and bothered, Dominic walks up to the table carrying another water for me and two more beers for him and Emmett. I watch Emmett take it from him slowly, his gaze falling onto mine as he takes a sip and I blow out a rough breath. “I think I’m going to head home. Do you think you’ll be okay catching a cab home tonight, Dom?”

Dominic nods and presses a tender kiss to the top of my head. Meanwhile my gaze never leaves Emmett’s in hopes that he can read the heat in my gaze. There’s only one reason I want to leave this place and it has everything to do with the man I can’t seem to get off my mind. I say my goodbyes and head toward the exit, waiting at the curb for a few moments before heading toward the crowded parking lot next to the building.

I jump when a hand touches my elbow and I’m being dragged in the opposite direction of my car. I’m about to scream, when Emmett’s fiery eyes collide with mine. “You’re riding with me, Casey.” My eyes rake down his form, taking in the dark wash jeans hanging around his hips that he must’ve changed into, and the white t-shirt that stretches over his bulging biceps. My pussy clenches, knowing everything he’s hiding underneath all that fabric, and begging for his rough hands to be all over my body.

He pulls the passenger door to his car open, his foot tapping on the concrete below as he waits for me to get inside, and I quickly slide onto the leather seat. Once the door is shut behind me, I take a deep breath and watch as he rounds the car before opening the driver’s side door. “How did you get away so easily?”

“I told him that I wanted to make sure you got home safe.” I guess it’s simple enough. As far as Dominic’s concerned, Emmett has been like another big brother to me. Too bad he doesn’t know how wrong that is. Before we pull out of the parking lot, Emmett looks over at me with a frown and shakes his head. “I didn’t like his hands on you, Casey.”

There’s something primal in his stare that makes my body heat up, but I laugh at his words. “Are you kidding me? You had a woman in your house just last night and you’re mad that another guy was touching me? Talk about hypocritical.”

He chuckles, the sound low and vibrating through every nerve in my body. “That’s the thing though, Casey, it wasn’t just any woman.”

I roll my eyes. “I figured, so why the hell do you have me in your car? Shouldn’t you be getting home to her?”

“By that,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me. “I mean, she’s my cousin.”

Cousin, right.

I scoff. “If that’s the story you want to go with, I don’t have time for this.” My mouth opens wide with a yawn and I stretch my arms over my head, hoping he gets the hint to take me home so this conversation can be over. I’d rather not talk about that woman.

“You don’t believe me? Fine,” he says, pulling his phone from the pocket of his jeans. “I’ll prove it.” Before I can stop him, he dials a number into his phone and lets the line ring until a woman’s voice comes over the line. “Ava, you’re on speaker.”

“Um, okay, what’s up?” She asks breathlessly, as if she’s just got done doing a heavy round of cardio.

Emmett smiles at the phone and I clench my fists, wanting to punch it off his face, and says, “I’m sitting in the car with Casey. She doesn’t believe me when I say you’re my cousin.”

Ava hums. “The girl from last night who looked at me like she wanted to punch the smile off my face?” She chuckles and adds. “I tried telling her we were cousins last night, but she ran off before I could.”

My heart picks up speed and I stare at the phone with my mouth dropped open. Emmett mumbles a quick goodbye to Ava, thanking her for clearing the air, then drops his phone into the cup holder before backing out of the lot. “Believe me now?”

I grumble in response and fold my hand over my lap in defeat.