Page 91 of Soaring Hearts

“Indeed.I'mpleased to report,Hallowayhas taken my advice.Hehas already received a generous offer.”


“It’sa win-win.Atleast for the firm and of course, the new owner who is getting an exceptional deal, given the circumstances.”

“Thenew owner?”

Cartwrightlowered his voice. “Aclose friend of yours, as it were.”Finally, he smiled.Broadly. “Themall plan is being scrapped.Theyare assessing the property for zoning of a youth activities facility.”

Lilywas choked up.Clearingher throat, she said, “WhataboutChelsea?”

“Chelseais facing serious charges.It’sa shame.Nowthat her mother is on the mend, she’s embarking on a new challenge, this one of her own making.FromwhatI’veheard, you are quite familiar with the job.It’syours, if you want it.”

Lily’shead was spinning.Ofall the ways she thought the meeting could go, this one never made the list.

Shetook a deep breath. “Thankyou, sir.”


Cartwrightpassed a folder across his desk toLily. “Now, about the promotion.”


Itwas a quarter past five whenLilyand hundreds of briefcase-toting employees exploded onto the sidewalk.Likea prison break, only with sharply dressed prisoners.

Adrizzle began to fall, wetting the pavement, providing a welcome cooling effect.

Lilysuppressed an overpowering urge to do cartwheels downLexingtonAvenue.Instead, she belted out the chorus ofI’mSingingin theRain, most of the words drowned out by the cacophony of honking horns.Nearbypedestrians gave her wide berth and sidelong glances.

Feelingcelebratory, she decided to splurge on a cab back toJilly’splace.Asof a few hours ago she could afford it.Shecouldn’t wait to tell her sister about the incredible day.Thepromotion, moving her things intoChelsea’soffice, and the new assistant she’d be assigned.Then, she would callLouandGayle.

Ifonly she could share the news withWyatt.

Shehadn't heard from him since theInstagrampost went live.Apainful pang broke through the joy.

Letit go,Lil.Don’train on your own parade.

MaybeJillyandRajiwould join her atBoucherie.Theywere two peas in a pod.Lilywould normally worry about the speed of their relationship, but it seemed to be a good pace for the couple.Ifonly her love life was as smooth and uncomplicated.

Lilywalked to the corner, hoping to spot a vacant taxi.Noteasy during rush hour in the rain.Toobad she’d left her umbrella atJilly’s.Thenagain, what’s a little rain when the sun was shining down on her life?

Shelifted her collar, not caring a whit if her hair frizzed up.Shecould afford a blow-out.Whenevershe wanted!

Seeingno available taxis,Lilyheaded in the direction of theHyattwhere the cabbies congregated.Shecould wait under the hotel’s awning to stay dry.

Shewas about to cross the street when she spotted a yellow taxi with its vacancy light aglow.Sheraised her hand, hailing the cabbie who pulled over to the curb.Anotherwin.Shemade a mental note to buy herself a lottery ticket.

Lily’shand was on the door handle, pulling it open, when out of the corner of her eye she saw a hatted man, toting a bag in one hand and a large umbrella, obscuring his face, in the other.Ina blur, the man edged past her, snapped closed the umbrella, and slid into the backseat.

Lilystood there, momentarily stunned. “Hey!Whatthe heck are you doing?”

Shebent down, leaned her head into the cab, the rest of her still on the street and peered into the backseat.Theman’s head was turned away, searching for something in his bag.

Whenthe offender grunted, she said to the cabbie, “Tellthis guy to get out.Igot you first.”

Thedriver shrugged.

“Seemswe’ll have to share,” the offender said.Hisvoice sounded funny.Likehe was feigning an accent.AnotherkookyNewYorker.