Page 92 of Soaring Hearts

“Nochance.Youneed to get out.Ihave somewhere to be.”

“Sorry, no can do.”


She’dhad enough.Thisjerk was not going to ruin an otherwise stellar day.Hewould have to fight her to keep the car.Shehopped into the back, bouncing on the pleather seat.

“SevenWestFourteenthStreet,” the guy said to the driver.

Hewas now wearing a face mask, apparently the item he’d been digging for.Hishat remained low on his brow.Lilyhad a mind to shove him out of the cab and into oncoming traffic.


“Wait, that’s my address.”

Thetaxi pulled into traffic.


Theman’s voice sounded different now.Familiar.


Lilywatched as her seatmate peeled away the mask, pulling off his hat, revealing his thick, sun-streaked hair.Hisintense gaze was fixed on her.

Ittook a second for her brain to catch up with her eyes. “Wyatt?”


Allthe fight instantly evaporated, replaced by a rush of emotions. “Wyatt,” she repeated, incredulous.

Helaughed. “Yes.Theone and only.”

Thecabbie was now staring at them with confusion in the rearview mirror.Themeter was ticking by.

Shefound her voice. “Whatare you doing here?”

“Icame for you.”

Shecould barely breathe, the emotional rollercoaster speeding up once more, stealing her air.

“Why?” she whispered.

Wyattlifted a brow, then leaned forward. “Sir, please stop the taxi,” he said, tossing some bills into the front seat. “I’lldouble your fare if you stick around for a bit.”

Thedriver shook his head in what now looked like amusement and pulled over.Theywere at the entrance to theHighlinepark.Theclouds parted, the sun’s rays peeking past.


“Comeon,”Wyattsaid, gathering his belongings.

Theodds of the cabbie being there when they returned were slim.Butthe look onWyatt’sface toldLilyit didn’t matter.Shegrabbed her purse and followedWyattout.


Lily’shand was tucked insideWyatt’sas they climbed the steps up to the park’s old train tracks now framed by pots of overflowing flowers, emitting a faint scent of jasmine.

Joggersflew past.Vendorssold seven-dollar bottles of water.Ahummingbird fluttered at a colorful feeder staked into a nearby flower bed.