Page 90 of Soaring Hearts

Goodthing she’d left extra early fromJilly’splace in the meatpacking district, taking the crosstown bus she knew would be equipped with adequate air conditioning.Thesubway was a toss-up especially when wearing her sharpest power suit.Therisk of armpit stains wasn’t worth it.

Whenthe assistant toCartwright’sCEOphoned her, requesting a meeting before work hours, she knew the guillotine blade had been sharpened.Promotionsalways came from the next level up, never from the top brass.Notto mention she hadn’t heard a peep fromChelsea.

Therewere a finite number of reasons the head of the company would want to meet with lowlyLily.Theyall seemed to lead to theInstagrampost.

Shewalked through the glass revolving door and into the lobby, her nerves nearly bringing her to a standstill.

Whateverhappens you’ll be all right, she told herself.

Lilytook the elevator to the forty-first floor.Bythe time she approached the assistant’s desk, the words had become a booming mantra in her mind.You’llbe all right.

“Hi,I’mLilyRandolph,Ihave an appointment.”

Thewoman looked up, smiled thinly. “He’swaiting for you.I’llshow you in.”


“Havea seat,Ms.Randolph.”

FloydCartwrightwas an imposing, extremely fit man in his late fifties with an aristocratic bearing.Lilyhad met him only twice, both times at the annual holiday party.Heexuded an easy confidence and raw power.

Hetook his place behind a massive glass-topped desk, views ofMidtownManhattanframing him from behind.

Thebutterflies inLily’sstomach were having a party.Shefelt like a schoolgirl being summoned into the principal’s office after getting into trouble.Shesat.

“Thankyou for coming in.”

Lilynodded.Asthough she had a choice in the matter.

Shefound her voice. “Youhave me very . . .”Nervous.Scared. “. . . curious.”

Henodded like a knowing priest. “Isuppose that makes sense.Giventhe circumstances,Ithought it best to keep the discussion face-to-face.”

Thebuild-up was too much to bear. “Isthis about theInstagrampost?

Cartwright’sexpression turned glum. “Yes, it is.”

Lily’sshoulders slumped and she came to a stand. “Isee.Inthat case,Iwould like to request a layoff letter.”She’dgiven it thought.Ifshe quit likeGaylehad, she’d be ineligible for unemployment benefits.Butif they fired her, she’d receive funds to carry her through the next couple of months.Hopefullyenough time to find another job.

Cartwrightlooked at her with knitted brow. “Maybethere’s a misunderstanding.Iasked you in today to offer you a promotion.”


“Chelseahas been let go,” he said, somberly.

Lilyfell back in the chair. “How–Howdid that happen?”

Cartwrightleaned forward, steepling his fingers. “Ireceived a detailed email from a trusted colleague with proof of her—shall we say, unfortunate partnership withHallowayto bribe the local mayor.Shedid so without my knowledge.Asyou can imagine, it is bad for business.”Hesucked in his lips, as though restraining himself. “FromwhatIhear, you took the brunt of her bad behavior.”

Shenodded.Loucame through after all.

“I’vealready asked theBreckenridgepaper to retract the article and make a correction with an apology.Itmay take time to clear your name out there butI’lldo allIcan to see it happens.”

Lilyswallowed hard. “Thankyou, sir.MayIask what will happen to the mall project?”

“Needlessto say,I’vecut all ties withHalloway.Butbefore doing so,Iexplained to him in no uncertain terms that unless he wants to be black-balled in the industry while facing crippling lawsuits, he should sell the property.”

Lilythought of the growing crater at the top ofFourO’clockRoad, remaining untouched until any legal disputes were resolved.Potentiallyyears into the future. “Willsomeone else finish building up the site?”