Page 75 of Soaring Hearts

Gaylespent the next half hour explaining what transpired.

“Iguess the theme of these last few weeks is change.”

Gayleleaned her head againstLou'schest.Shecould hear his heart.Steady, comforting.


Shecould feel his breath in her hair. “Hmm?”

Shelooked up at him.

Loutook hold of her chin, bowed his head, and kissed her deeply.

Gayle’sheart filled with bliss.

Aftera few minutes,Loupulled back, his voice hoarse, full of affection. “Youknow howIfeel.HowI’vealways felt.”

Shenodded. “Tellme anyway.”

“Ilove you to ends of the earth.”

Gaylelooked at the man she’d loved her entire life, his mouth now coated in red lipstick.Hiseyes were on fire.

“Staywith me,” he said, softly.

Herstomach flipped.Sheknew what he was asking. “It’sbeen a long time for me,Lougee.”

“Iknow.Samefor me.”Heswallowed hard. “Whatdo you think?”

Gaylepursed her lips as if considering her options.Shestood, reaching for his hand. “Ithink if we get started now, we should have enough time.”


Gayleled him down the hallway, to a part of the house she had yet to see. “Toexplore the ends of the earth.”

* * *

Lilystood frozenin the hotel’s hallway asPeterstood up.Hisshirt was untucked, his face sporting a five o’clock shadow.Heappeared exhausted and disheveled.Completelyout of character.

“Whatare you doing here?” she asked, in disbelief.

“Ineed to speak to you.Inperson.”Heapproached, bringing her in for an awkward hug. “Oh, you feel so good,” he said.

Lilystepped back. “Youbroke up with me.Askedme to move my stuff out.”Shewas trying hard not to lose her temper.Oncethis evening was enough but she didn’t have the bandwidth to deal with more upheaval. “Whatis going on?”

“Canwe go somewhere to talk?”Peterasked, practically begging. “Please?”Heeyed her door.

Somethingoccurred to her “Howdid you know which room was mine?”

“Igave the guy at the desk a generous tip.”


Maybethe adage,Hellhath no fury like a woman scorned, needed an update.SurferJameswas one vengefulSOB.

“Wecan find a corner in the lobby.”

“Oh, all right.”