Page 76 of Soaring Hearts

Lilyhad never seenPeterthis way.Compliant, and without his phone glued to his hand.Somethingground-shifting must have happened.

Theywent down to the lobby, took a corner booth,Jameswatching every move.

Petersaid, “Youlook different.”

Shefelt different.

Peterlooked around the lobby as if he’d landed on another planet. “Maybethis place works for you.”

Lilywas well past small talk. “Whatis going on?”

Peterpaused. “Iasked you to haveJillypick up your things soIcan let other people come in.”

“Byother people you mean your girlfriend.”

“Huh?Whatgirlfriend?You’remy girlfriend.”


Peterfrowned.Itwas like a lightbulb went off in his head.Heslapped his forehead. “Yoursister.”

Lilyfelt her defenses rise. “Whatabout her?”

“Jillysaw me andRachel.Shemust have jumped to the wrong conclusion.”

Lilyhad a mind to walk away but something onPeter’sface kept her in place.Shecrossed her arms in frustration. “Comeon,Peter.Iwasn’t born yesterday.”

Peterlooked genuinely distraught. “Ican’t believe you thinkI’mcheating on you.”

Hesounded so sincere for a moment she nearly fell for it.

“Youdon’t believe me,”Petersaid.

“Notthat it matters anymore but if she’s not your girlfriend, then who is she?”Themildly attractive woman.

“IknowRachelfrom work . . . she likes me.”


“Butit’s not mutual,Iswear.She’sa colleague from theDCoffice who recently moved toNewYork.She’sbeen looking for a place to live.Wemet a few times to discuss her move.”

“Soshe’s moving in with you?”

Peterlooked frazzled. “No, no.She’ssubletting the apartment.”

“What?Howdoes that make sense if you’re living there?”

Petertitled his head. “Youdon’t get it.”

Lilycouldn’t handle any more.Shegot to her feet. “Listen,Peter,I’vehad a hard day.No, scratch that.Animpossibly hardmonth.I’mnot sure why you came all the way out here butIsuggest you go home, enjoy your new roommate.”

“Ican’t,” he said, now on his feet as well, his expression bordering on the desperate.


“BecauseImoved out.Rachellives there now.I’mmoving out here to be with you.”

BeforeLilycould process whatPeterhad said, his arms were around her once more, squeezing her tight.