Page 62 of Soaring Hearts

Pammy’sbrow hit the ceiling. “Boyfriend?”

“Wyattdidn’t tell you?”

Sheshook her head. “Thisis getting sticky.”Shewasn’t referring to her fingers.

Lilylooked away.

Pammysaid, “Ifthere’s one thingI’mknown for other than being a pain in the ass, it’s having a nose forBS.”

Dejected,Lilymade a move to stand.Cominghere was yet another epic lapse in judgement.

Pammyheld up a hand, stopping her. “Iread people very well.Andyou’re a good egg,Lily.I’mcertain of it.Pleasesit down, take your time and explain.”

Awave of relief. “Thanks.PeterandI. . . we’ve been together a long time.Somuch so that neither of us realized we’ve been skating on thin ice for a while.He’sa workaholic, and maybe it was rubbing off on me.Ormaybe it’s my own insecurities.Livingin theBigApplecreates a sense of competition andIgot sucked into the vortex.”Forgood measure, she added, “PeterandIbroke up.”

Nowshe was rambling.

Butshe hadPammy’sfull attention.

“Whatwere you competing for?”

Lilythought of theirUpperEastSideapartment, the dinners atBoucherie, her priceyRay-Bans. “I’mnot really sure anymore.”Sherealized it sounded pathetic. “ButIdo need my job andIaccepted this role.ActuallyIjumped on it.”


“Butthat was beforeIgot to know the people here inBreckenridge, got a sense of the place.It’slike a big family, everyone looking out for each other.”

Pammyshifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. “AndWyatt?”

Lilysuspected the grimace on her face was not solely pregnancy-related.Pammy'sprotective instincts toward her brother-in-law were on full display.

Lily’seyes watered.

Pammy’sexpression softened. “Thenyou really do care about him?”

Lilywas taken aback by the question. “Whywould you think otherwise?”

WhenPammydidn’t reply,Lilygot it. “YouthinkI’mfaking my feelings just to win him over about the building project?”

Pammypursed her lips, tilted her head. “No,Idon’t.ButIwould guess he does.”

Lilyhad no idea the depth of her deceit until now. “Myfeelings forWyatt—for all of you—are genuine.I’mnot that good of an actress.”

“Wyattwould likely kill me for telling you this but he’s been burnt before.Bigtime.”

Itwas the firstLilyheard ofWyatt’spast relationships.Itadded a new wrinkle.Couldthis situation get any dicier?

“Maybeyou metWendy.”

“Fromthe bistro?”

“That’sright.SheandWyattdated a long time ago.Itended after she lied to him about a whole lot of things.”

“Ihad no idea.Theyseemed so . . . friendly.”

“Maybethey are but it’s only because so much time has gone by.Ithink she regrets her actions butWyatthas moved on.Exceptfor his twice-shy mentality when it comes to relationships.”

Itexplained a lot.