Page 7 of Soaring Hearts

Asthe plane taxied down the runway, the hum of the engines drowned out the cacophony of thoughts swirling inLily’smind.Shedug out her noise-cancelingBoseheadphones and closed her eyes.

Dreamsintermingled with fleeting glimpses of reality as the plane descended towardsDenver.Thesoft chime of the seatbelt sign jolted her awake, and she peered out the window, mesmerized by the snow-capped peaks in the distance.Thesight was both awe-inspiring and humbling, reminding her of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Asthe wheels touched down on the runway, a surge of anticipation coursed through her veins.Lilygathered her belongings and disembarked the plane, stepping onto the unfamiliar terra firma ofColorado.


TheDenverairport was a flurry of activity, with travelers rushing to catch connecting flights and families reuniting with loved ones.Lily, however, stood still for a moment, taking in the energy around her.Itwas as if the vibrant atmosphere of the airport mirrored the excitement and possibilities that awaited her inBreckenridge.Anhour and a half away.Sheneeded to get herself moving, locate the rental car desk and hit the open road.

Herphone buzzed in her pocket, and she retrieved it to find a text fromChelsea:

Goodluck,Lily!Remember, you have the power to make this deal happen.

Lilywondered ifChelseasubscribed to, copying and pasting her clichéd texts.Still, a surge of determination filled her, knowingChelseahad placed her trust in her abilities.

Findingher way to the luggage carousel,Lilyretrieved her suitcase and made her way through the airport.Onceoutside, she was surprised by the heat.Shepeeled off her sweater and followed signs to the rental agency.

Twentyminutes later, she was behind the wheel of a newly washedSubaru4x4, turning ontoI-70, surprised to discoverDenver, theMile-HighCity, was actually pretty flat, at least in comparison to what lay ahead.

Minutesafter leaving the city, the road climbed higher, the landscape changing into something magical.Sprawlingmeadows filled with colorful blooms lined the foothills of majestic, snow-capped mountains.Whileshe’d traveled some—twice toCalifornia, once toPuertoRico—Lilyhad never seen anything like it.ShewishedJillywas with her.


Sheguessed he’d appreciate the views, if he could tear himself away from his phone.

MaybeI’mbeing ungracious.

Afterall, she was the one who created the issue between them, notPeter.Theyhad been leading a comfortable life, made plans for a secure future.Shewas the one who changed the itinerary.Lilyreminded herself to text him once she arrived at the hotel.

UponreachingBreckenridge,Lilyturned ontoMainStreet, a grin spreading across her face.Shecouldn’t help but be enchanted by the village’s charm.Thequaint streets were lined with charming boutiques and cozy cafes.Thebackdrop of towering peaks added a touch of grandeur to the picturesque town.Gondolasstuck in place, hovered above the mountain, presumably halted for the season.Lilyfound herself enamored by the serenity and natural beauty that surrounded her, a far cry from the bustling metropolis she had just left behind.

Lilypulled up to the upscale yet rusticGrandTimberLodge, pleased that the company’s travel desk arranged such nice accommodations for her extended stay inBreckenridge.

Afterthe valet took her keys, she stepped outside, noting the air was far cooler than inDenver.Followingthe bellman into the lobby,Lilywas immediately captivated by the warm and inviting atmosphere that greeted her.

Thelobby exuded a sense of rustic elegance, with exposed wooden beams stretching across the high ceilings.Stoneaccents adorned the walls, adding a touch of rugged charm.Agrand fireplace at the center of the room crackled, permeating the space with warmth.Cozyseating arrangements with plush cushions were framed by large windows offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountain range.

Thedesk clerk greeted her with a warm smile. “WelcometoGrandTimberLodge.”


Theyoung woman took inLily’ssilk top,Frenchmanicure and designer handbag. “Firsttime inBreck?”

Lilyblinked, taken off guard. “Isit that obvious?”

Theclerk looked away, coughed softly. “No, just a guess.”

Fiveminutes later,Lilyfound herself standing outside her suite, unlocking the door with anticipation.Shewas going to be here for the next few months.

Shestepped into a spacious and tastefully decorated sitting room with a comfortable-looking sofa and corner desk.Astained wooden island divided the living room from a small galley kitchen.Downthe hallwayLilyfound the bedroom with a queen-size bed covered in crisp white linens, and an ensuite bath.Nature-inspired artwork adorned the walls.Thedécor was a perfect balance between modern luxury and rustic charm.

Oneof the best features of the room was the terrace with a small bistro table and chairs that overlooked the picturesque town and the surrounding snow-capped peaks.Lilystepped out, breathing in the crisp mountain air and the scent of pine.Shegazed at the breathtaking panorama of theRockyMountains, their peaks bathed in hues of pink and orange as the sun began its descent.

Lilywrapped her arms around herself against the chill, energized by the surroundings.Steppinginside, she understood she would need the strength to overcome the inevitable obstacles coming her way.

* * *

Thenext morning,Lilywoke up to the warm sunlight streaming through the window.Shetook a moment to orient herself, then glanced at the time on her phone. 6:32.