Page 8 of Soaring Hearts


Thetwo-hour time difference offered her an extra early start on the day.

Amissed call showed up on her phone’s screen.Peter.

Shehad forgotten to text him when she arrived the night before.

Or, not actuallyforgot.Morelike, procrastinated.

Sheshowered, then stood in front of the mirror, taking in her reflection, her green eyes brimming with determination. “Youcan do this,Lil,” she told herself.Todaywas the day she would check out the property in question, then find a way to connect with the locals.

Afterchecking her map app, it became clear the acreage was prime real estate.Theland was on top ofFourO’clockRoad.Closeenough to town with what had to be incredible views.

Lilydressed in a crisp blazer, her hair neatly pulled back.Shemade her way to the lobby and returned a seemingly overzealous wave from the young guy at the desk who looked more ski bum than hotel professional.

Shetipped the valet, sat behind the wheel of her car, and pulled out her phone to textPeter.

Lily:HeyPeter,Igot in ok.How’sur day going?

Peter:ThoughtIwudve heard from u by now





Peter:Yeah,I’mjust figuring some stuff out.Weshud talk when ur free



Lily’sheart sank as she readPeter’sambiguous messages, leaving her with a knot of uncertainty in her stomach.No“Ilove you,” or “Imiss you.”Fromeither of them.


AsLilyturned theSubaruontoFourO’clockRoad, it dawned on her that she was not as upset as she should be.


Wyattstood atop the roof of the expansive home, his sun-kissed hair tousled by the mountain breeze.Beadsof sweat slid down his back.He’dbeen up there for an hour, his workers spread out across the roof, wearing knee pads and hooked-up safety harnesses.

Theyshould be done laying the slate by the end of the week.Itwas a huge project forSomersBrothersConstruction.Atwelve-thousand-square-foot residence built into the mountainside ofPrivatePeaks, one of the most exclusive enclaves inBreckenridge.

Theteam had been working round-the-clock to have the house ready for the homeowners in time for their arrival next month.Withthe extra labor and long hours it seemed they would meet the deadline.Bya hair.

Wyatttook pride in his team, each one working diligently, exceptional in their craft.Hemade a mental note to take them all toTheRoadhousewhen the job was done, treat them to a round or two of the local lager.

Wyattpulled a bandana from his back pocket and wiped his brow dry, surveying the breathtaking surroundings.Despitegrowing up in the hamlet, he never tired of the beauty and knew he never would.Theson of a librarian mother and construction worker father who handed him and his brother the business a few years ago, the mountains were etched inWyatt’sDNA.

Hepulled a nail clenched between his teeth and shouted down to his younger brother. “Hey,Joey,I’vegot to leave the site early today.There’sa meeting at the community centerIneed to attend.”Hisvoice echoed against the mountain backdrop.

Joenodded in understanding, then gestured to his phone.Wyattpulled out his own and saw the text his brother had sent an hour earlier.

Pammymade lasagna.Comeat seven.