Page 61 of Soaring Hearts

“He’shandsome, funny, and smart as all hell.Hedoes remote tech work for a bigCalifornia-based company.Mostof his family is still inIndia.”

“Wow.Hesounds great.”

Lily’sphone buzzed with a text.Aphoto ofJillyand a very handsome man. “Isuppose this isRaji.”


“He’sa hottie.Rajithe hottie.”

Jillygiggled like she was back in high school. “Iknow, right?”

Itwas wonderful seeing her otherwise cynical sister so bubbly.Theguy must be something else. “Ilook forward to meeting him.”

Thecall was winding down whenJillysaid, “Figuresomething out,Lil.ThisWyattdude made you smile after a long time of no smiling.”

Lilylooked down at her lap. “Idon’t know how.Hehates my guts.”

“Unlikely.Maybehe’s just as stubborn as you are.”

Shesmiled, sadly. “Thanks.”

“Ifanyone can come up with a strategy to make things right, it’s you.”

“Iappreciate the vote of confidence but this time there is nothing to be done.Weare on opposite sides with no bridge in the middle.”

Jilly'sexpression turned thoughtful. “Thenjump the rocks.”

Lilyhung up, realizing there was maybe one thing to try.Sheturned the ignition, hoping she would get a better reception than at the construction site.Shewasn’t optimistic.

* * *

ToPammy’scredit,she didn’t hesitate to step aside and letLilyin.Lilyhad chosen not to call in advance.Adrop-in would preventWyatt’ssister-in-law from finding an excuse not to see her.Orworse, crafting sugar-coated, but unhelpful advice.

Lilyneeded to find the bridgeJillyspoke of and as far as she could tell,Pammywas her only shot.

Still, there was no welcoming smile.EvenwhenLilyhanded over the mint chocolate chip ice cream, a peace offering for a woman with cravings.Shetook a seat whilePammyput it in the freezer, mumbling a thanks.

Pammysat on the sofa facing her, arms framing her enormous belly, a newly-materialized box ofJellyBellysbalanced on her stomach.Ifit weren’t for the thick tension in the room,Lilywould be amused.

Pammytore open the candy box, popped a light pink jellybean into her mouth. “CottonCandy,” she announced before going on a fishing expedition for more.Shesaid, “Youreally blew it.”

SeemedPammyandJillyhad one major character trait in common.Bluntness.Theonly sugar-coating going on was in the colorful jellybeans box.Pammywas a woman with ‘tude.

Pammyblew out a sigh. “It’sa rare event to seeWyattangry and now he’s burning mad.Ifyou’re smart you’ll stay out of his way until he has a chance to simmer down.”Then, “Mindtelling me what you were thinking?”

Lilyflushed.Pammywas a born and bred westerner who shot from the hip.Shedeserved the same in return.

“Ithought building a relationship with the locals before sharing whyIwas here was a good plan.Iknow now that it wasn’t.”

“Anunderstatement if there ever was one.”

Notan inch of slack.Whathad she been thinking coming here?

Lilydecided to go for broke. “AndIwas scared.”

Pammygave her an inquisitive look. “Scaredof what?”

Lilyleaned her head back, looked up at the ceiling and sighed, then metPammy’sgaze once more. “Myboss has been teasing me for ages with ‘the big promotion,’” she said with air quotes. “I’mscared to lose it to someone else.Maybeit’s stupid but it meant something to me.Andto my boyfriend.”