Page 54 of Soaring Hearts

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Ittooka solid half hour forWyattto think clearly and come up with a plan of action.Hepulled the truck to the side of the road and sent out a slew of text messages.Withinfive minutes most people had replied.Heturned into the library parking lot, the stanchions lining the area, illuminating his vehicle like he was being called up to the mother ship.

Hedidn’t need to wait long.

Mary, the head librarian, was the first to respond toWyatt'scall.Knownfor her unyielding dedication to the town's history, her presence would lend a sense of gravity to the gathering.

Soon, more cars began streaming into the lot, each driven by a concerned resident, ready to stand united in the face of adversity.

Oncethe yawning crew had congregated in the lot,Wyattaddressed them, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.

“Sorryto disrupt your holiday weekend, especially at this late hour, but this is an emergency meeting.”

Afleeting image ofLily, just hours ago, laughing beside him at the grill, crossed his mind, causing a pang in his heart.Hepushed the memory aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Withswift movements,Maryunlocked the library's doors and turned on the lights.Thegentle hum of fluorescent bulbs filled the air, casting a glow over the anteroom as even more residents began to arrive.

“Comeon, y'all,”Wyattsaid, holding the library door open as friends and neighbors filed in, each of them appearing as impassioned as he was.

Onceeveryone was seated,Wyattaddressed them. “Cartwrighthas declared war, and it's time to bring them down.”

Oneresident spoke up, his frustration evident, “WordisMayorBillingsgave his seal of approval.”

“Thatlying, two-faced—” someone else started.

“Weneed to give him a chance to explain,”Wyattheard himself say. “Thisis theU.S. ofA.Innocentuntil proven guilty.Right?”

“Thenwhat do you suggest?”

Wyattoffered his ideas. “Picketing, legal action, and an article in the paper.”

Severalin the group reluctantly nodded in agreement, but one man voiced a more pressing concern. “Thosethings will take far too long to have an impact.Bythen, the building will be up, and we'll have a massive structure on top ofFourO’clockRoadfor tourists to buy the same things they could get where they came from.”Theman's anger was palpable.

Headsnodded in agreement, and the same man continued, “You'retoo nice,Wyatt.Butfew people love this town more than you do.Isay we kickBillingsout of office and get you in there.”

Wyatthesitated, modestly shaking his head. “I'mnot a politician?—”

“Isecond that,” someone chimed in.

“Third!” echoed another voice.

Wyattheld up a hand. “Holdon, now.That’snot what we’re here for.”

Buthis words fell on deaf ears.Thegroup exchanged thoughtful looks, considering the implications of what they were proposing.

Then, someone asked the question on everyone's mind, “Howdo we get rid ofBillings?”

“Wedemand an emergency election, a call for a vote of no-confidence.Billingsis not representing our interests.”

Stunnedby the direction the meeting was going in,Wyattwatched as the assembled residents began to formulate a plan.Whenhe’d reached out to the others he wasn’t sure what to expect, but this was certainly not it.


Lilywas behind the wheel, silently cursing the overindulgence from the previous night.

Herhead felt like it had been used for a drum set at a rock concert.Thepulsating pain in her temples matched the rhythmic drilling that echoed across the valley, hammering in time with her pounding headache.

Gaylewas slumped in the passenger seat.Theonly sounds she’d produced since leaving the hotel were grunts and yawns.