Page 55 of Soaring Hearts

Lilytook the turn upFourO’clockRoad. “Ithink we missed the groundbreaking,” she said, none too disappointed.Theyhad both overslept then scrambled to get dressed and out the door.

Gaylegroaned.Shelooked as bad asLilyfelt. “Don’tcare,” she said.

Whoknew you could get nailed by a few tiny bottles of whiskey?

Lilyhad already taken three ibuprofen and was nursing a high-octane coffee when she pulled up to the building site, surprised to see the dirt lot filled with cars. “What’sall this?”

Gayleopened one eye and observed the scene. “Noidea.”

Asboth women exited the car, someone began shouting on a loudspeaker, working hard to compete with the drill.Thevoice was perfectly familiar toLily.


SheandGayletrudged up the embankment.

Severalhard-hatted men milled about the space, one holding a spiral ground drill.Seeingthe women approach, he paused his work.

Nottwenty feet away, standing on a makeshift pedestal made of a newly cut tree stump, wasWyatt, holding a bullhorn, a look of fierce determination on his face.Asmall crowd stood around, holding placards that read,SaveOurTown.Lilyrecognized several attendees from the heated town hall meeting, others from last night’s dance.Theones with free hands were filming the spectacle with their smartphones.

“Don’twreckBreck!Don’twreckBreck!”Wyattshouted, rallying the crowd, makingLilywish she had stayed in bed.Herhead felt like it was going to split open.

Gayle, looking equally miserable, asked, “Howdid they get all this together so fast?”

Lilycouldn’t help feeling a hint of respect. “They’rea dedicated bunch.”

Gayleheld her hands over her ears, grimacing. “Apparentlyso.”

Someoneturned and pointed a finger atLily.

“Youdon’t belong here.”Itwas the bakery owner who had spoken up at the town hall meeting.

Shetried hard not to take offense. “Iwork here.”

Gaylenodded her support, though her eyes darted around as if looking for a quick escape.

“Youbribed the mayor,” another protestor said with accusation.

Whatmoments ago was regret quickly morphed intoLily'sindignation. “What?No.”

Wyatt’seyes landed on her, his voice booming through the bullhorn. “Ms.Randolph, would you like to make a statement?Oncamera?”

Inan instant, ten iPhones were pointed atLilyin anticipation.

Lilyforced her most diplomatic smile. “Ladiesand gentlemen, this is private land.Pleasego home.Wedon’t want to have you removed forcibly.”

Alook of sheer disappointment shadowedWyatt’sface.

Lilycrossed her arms.Shehad hoped they could talk things out but clearly that was not going to happen.Bycoming out here,Wyattwas putting her in a delicate situation in front of so many people.AnytroubleWyattor the others would encounter they’d be bringing it on themselves.

Wyattseemed to note the look of determination in her face. “Okay, troops,” he said, like a modern-dayColonelCuster. “Wemade our point.Let’sget those videos out there.”

Thegroup passed by in single file, no one making eye contact with her.

Wyattwas the only one to pause and meetLily’seye.Herheart stopped for a moment.Itwasn’t anger or hatred she saw.Itwas sadness.

“Seeyou later,” he said.

Herheart resumed once more. “Really?”