Page 48 of Soaring Hearts

Theweekend with her had been spectacular.Theparade, the hike, the concert.Thelook on her face when he called her up to the stage.EvenBernieloved her and he was the most discerning friend he had.

Thenshe andLouhad stolen away to a corner.Whenshe came back in sight, her demeanor had completely changed.Shelooked nervous and if he had read her expression accurately, scared.Hewanted desperately to ask what was bothering her but then?—

Thenshe was by his side, his hand resting on the arch of her back, his body fully tuned to hers, sharing the same frequency, their hearts pounding in sync.Thecosmic pull was stronger than anything he’d felt before.


Hecould still smell the sweet scent of her perfume as he made his move.IfonlyPammyhad waited two minutes longer.

Okay, maybe ten.

Heknew deep in his soul than if and when they did kiss, it would last until they were both completely spent.


Shewas more his annoying little sister than worshiping sister-in-law and she played the role to the hilt.

Asif on cue, he heardPammycall up to him. “Comeon,Wy!Youcan finish putting on your makeup later.”

Heglanced at his watch.TheStarsandStripesdance would soon be underway.Hegrabbed his wallet and headed for the door.

Therewas no question about it.Thiswas going to be a night to remember.

* * *

Lilywas stuffedto the gills.Thebarbecue grub was polished off—most of it thanks toPammy’svoracious appetite.Wyattwas still getting changed before the dance, giving her the opportunity to really study the other people in the room.Apparently, only she andWyattwere attending the dance.Theothers appeared fully content where they were.

Ifshe didn’t know better,Louwould easily be mistaken for a regular guy, not a mega successful billionaire.Thoughthere was easily a decade separating them,LouandSamwere really hitting it off.

Lesssmiley and more reserved than his sons,Samwas tall with ramrod posture, makingLilysuspect he had served in the military.Hehad the look and given the number of military installations inColorado, the area attracted a sizable veteran community.

Therewas little mention ofWyatt’smother at the table.Lilywondered what she was like.Herown mother had been gone for years and she still felt the bottomless pit of loss.

WhenLilyandPammywere alone in the kitchen, she learned thatMrs.Somerswas out of town dealing with an ailing parent.Itreminded her ofChelsea.Andthe job.

Sheforced the thought away.Nothingwas going to stop her from having fun on a holiday weekend.

LouandSamwere starting a game of gin,Louconveniently producing a deck of cards from his pocket.Whocarries around a deck of cards just in case?Lilypondered.Louwas an interesting character, to say the least.

JoeyandPammywere speaking over each other, something about a crib versus cradle.Notan argument as much as each wanting to get their opinion out there first.Theywere a fun couple with a house filled with love and energy.Ahouse that would be a blast to grow up in.

Lilycouldn’t wait to meetBrodie.Thatis, if she was still inBreckenridgewhen he showed up.Andif she wasn’t wearing a scarlet letter on her forehead.

Lilywatched asWyattdescended the stairs two at a time.Comingup beside her, he smelled of sandalwood.Smooth, sensual, almost exotic.Ifonly she could inhale the scent for the rest of her life.


Herlibido was on overdrive.


SheandWyatthad their own dance going.Acycle of push and pull.

Push, taking things slow, so soon after her breakup.Pull, the intense attraction.

Lilycould see the flashing light in her mind.
