Page 47 of Soaring Hearts

Despiteher reputation as the office busy-body, the assignment madeGayleuncomfortable.ShelikedLily.Butshe couldn't afford to lose her job.

Chelseahad specifically said not to warnLilyof her impending arrival.Shedidn’t want any back-and-forth on the matter.

Gaylelooked around, realizing the last time she’d been toColoradowas forty-odd years ago.LandinginDenverstirred up strange and mixed feelings.Somuch had changed, yet the scenery looked exactly how she remembered it.

Growingup inDenver, she saved up to join her friends inBreckto ski each winter.Summer, however, had a whole different feel.Lesscrowded than in the colder months, it made it easier forGayleto score a last-minute hotel reservation at theGrandTimberLodge.

Atthe front desk, a young man who reminded her of aCaliforniasurfer greeted her.

“HowcanIhelp you, ma'am?” he asked, more politely than she would have expected.Clearly, they were training their staff well.

“I’mchecking in.”

Shegave him her driver’s license and five minutes later received her key. “Canyou tell me the room number of my friend who is staying here?”

“Notsure we’re supposed to give out that information.”Heleaned in. “Butif you care to leave a tip . . .”

Gayleblinked repeatedly, unsure she’d heard him correctly. “Excuseme?”

Theoffice door opened behind him.Awoman with a manager tag on her shirt said, “WelcometoBreckenridge!”

Theyoung man stood back, practically rolling his eyes at the interruption.Hisearlier demeanor now seemed a well-practiced performance. “Ijust checked her in.She’dlike her friend’s room number.”

Thewoman askedGayle, “Whois your friend?”


Theyoung man paled. “You’reher friend?”

“Yes, is there a problem?”

Themanager stiffened, pursing her lips. “I'llhandle this,” she told the young man who stepped away.

ToGayle, the woman said, “Noproblem at all.Butperhaps it’s best if you callMs.Randolph.Weare not permitted to give out guest room information.”


“We’llhave someone help you with your bags.”

“Thanks,”Gaylesaid, wondering what on earth all that was about.

Shewould askLilyas soon as she tracked her down.


Wyattthrew on a clean pair of jeans he had brought from home and an ironed plaid button down he stole fromJoey’scloset.Hedabbed on some aftershave he found in the guest bathroom and gave himself a once-over.

Heneeded a haircut but it could wait.Pammyalways said ladies like a nice mane to run their hands through.

Timeto hurry.Lilywas waiting downstairs for him.


Whenshe showed up early to help set up, he did his best to stay focused on the grilling, giving her some space.Afterall, she broke up with her long-term boyfriend, like . . . yesterday.

He’dhad a perfect view from where he stood beside the grill.

Lilywas stunningly beautiful.Withthose dark curls and gorgeous green eyes, she took his breath away.About of jitters hit him, like a teenager heading out to prom.