Page 38 of Soaring Hearts

No, no one.Atleast, no one she could recall.

WendyaskedWyatt, “WillIsee you at theStarsandStripesdance?”

“I’llbe there.”

“Great,”Wendysaid, “Savea dance for me.”

Hesmiled, his lips stretched thin.

Wendywaved to a waitress who came rushing over. “Seeya around,Lila.”


ButWendywas already shuffling away.

Seemednot everyone inBreckenridgewas happy to welcome her to town.


Wyattglanced around the busy bistro, notingWendywas gone, likely to the kitchen.Findinga single remaining clean napkin, he wiped barbecue sauce from his chin.Themelt-in-your-mouth ribs had been slathered in it.Wendywas a magician.Likehe remembered.Ifit weren’t for her expertise as a chef, he’d never be here.

Heredirected his full attention back toLily, mustering up the guts to ask the question he’d been holding onto.

“So. . .”

Lilysaved him the trouble.

“PeterandIhave been together for what seems like forever,” she said. “Idon’t even know how to be single.”

Herbeautiful eyes were downcast but no tears fell.Thankheavens.Hehated when women cried.

Hislast long-term relationship had ended years ago.Still, he knew for many, closure was another story.Itcould take years.Orforever.

Lilywent on. “ButIwant to find out.”

“Findout what exactly?”

“Whatbeing single is like.Takea break from the whole dating thing, you know?”

Henodded. “Makessense,” he said, despite not liking what he was hearing.Fromthe moment she told him about the breakup, he'd been considering how to step things up withLily.Nowhe would need to recalibrate his thinking.Switchfrom full steam ahead to . . . something else.

Lilylooked up at him, her shoulders now softening, seemingly coming to peace with her new status. “Maybethis move was the best thing for me.Freshstart and all that.”

Shepaused, eyeing her salad as if surprised she’d ordered it.Shefrowned at the charred pieces of poached salmon sitting atop a mountain of kale.Therewere enough greens to feed a family of four . . . goats. “There’ssomethingIshould probably tell you?—”

Hertone suggested something important and perhaps disturbing.

Awoman with an enormous belly stopped directly in front of the table, hands on her hips, blocking their view of the mountains.Apparently, the conversation would once again have to be put on hold.

Wyattsaid, “Hey,Pammy.”

Lilywhispered, “Doyou know every person in this town?”

Pammylooked ready for battle.Orsumo wrestling. “Whydidn’t you tell meBerniehad a stomachache?Thevet said you called.”

“Andhello to you, too.Bernie’sfine.Didn’tneed to take him in . . .ThisisLily.”

Pammy’sperfectly shaped brow shot up. “Oh.”Herannoyed mien instantly dissolved, a genuine, warm grin in its place.