Page 37 of Soaring Hearts

“Youmad?” he asked with a gleam in his eye.

“Ishould be, but no, that was the most incredible experience . . . ever.”Then, “Youmade it sound like the band was a thing of the past.”

“Prettymuch.TheRedRockRebelsare resurrected once a year, this being the day.”

Theywalked across the rec center’s vast lawn toward the river, the area buzzing with activity.

Tentswere placed along the riverbank, offering everything from local brews to sports swag for pets.

Wyattsaid, “Let’sfind a quiet place to sit.”

Arrivingat the edge ofMainStreet,Wyattopened the door to a small bistro, walked straight back to the patio facing expansive views of theTen-MileRange.

Lilysaid, “Didn’twe just eat?”


Shechuckled, “Rogerthat.”

Wyattheld the chair forLilythen took a seat across from her. “Um, about that thing you said back there.Youknow, you andPeter. . .Areyou okay?”


Awoman in her early thirties with stunning red locks smiled atWyatt, her gaze flickering toLilyand back again.


“Who’syour friend?” she asked, pursing her lips.

“Wendy, this isLilyRandolph.Lily, this isWendy, the best chef in town.Sheruns the place.”

SeemedWyattwas on a first-name basis with everyone in town.Lilyextended a hand.Wendylooked at it, amused, then shook. “Notfrom around these parts are you?”

Lilypicked up a not-so-subtle tone of condescension. “Nope, formerNewYorker.”


Clearly,Wendyhad missed the earlier community-wide welcome. “Yes,Irecently moved out here.”

“Oh.”Wendychewed on her lip. “Well, then.”Sheturned toWyatt. “Anyword on the mall project?”

Seeminglyoblivious to the awkwardness, he said, “Iheard the mayor was having a secret meeting with one of their people.”Hegestured quotes around ‘secret.’ “IfIlearn anythingI’lllet you and everyone know.”

“Sowe can run them out of town.”


Lilyswallowed hard, saliva catching in her throat and she began coughing.


Shenodded vigorously.Wendygrabbed a cup and filled it with water. “Drink,” she said.

Lilydid, finally coming up for air. “Notsure what happened,” she croaked.

Actually, she knew exactly what happened.

Shewracked her brain, trying to remember if she had seen anyone outside the mayor’s building when she went in for their meeting.