Page 21 of Soaring Hearts

WhileLilydried off in the bathroom,Wyattleaned against the kitchen counter, forcing his heart rate to normal levels.He’dcome too close to kissing her.Forthe second time.

Itwould have been so easy.Standingin the foyer, no one else around,Lilyin his arms.Fora beat, their eyes had locked, the magnetic pull between them almost irresistible.

Themorning had been one for a slapstick film.Theskies opening up, soaking them silly; the resignation and subsequent laughter.WhenLilylaughed, he couldn’t help but join in.

Thethunderstorm had arrived unexpectedly, drenching him nearly as much asLilyafter her fall into the lake.He’dbeen truly terrified during that split second when he saw the empty kayak, before she called out to him.Acouple of feet different and the jet ski would have hitherdead on.Heshook away the thought.

Hewas grateful for the excuse to inviteLilyinto his new home.Evenif the townhouse was a work in progress.Fornearly a year, it had been a project close to his heart, proving to be a testament to his determination.Despitean insanely busy work season, he’d managed to complete it and move in.

Well, maybe notcomplete.Severalunpacked boxes still lined the walls of the two-bedroom house.Hestill hadn’t painted his bedroom.

Lilyemerged from the bathroom, her wet clothes replaced by a borrowed t-shirt and shorts.Shelooked sexy as all hell.Henoticed her subtle, appraising gaze sweep across the room.

Shedidn’t say anything at first, just continued to towel-dry her hair with a soft, slightly bemused smile.

Wyattcleared his throat, suddenly self-conscious. “Sorryabout the mess,” he said, gesturing vaguely to the room.

“It’snot a mess.Justneeds a feminine touch, that’s all.”

Hecouldn’t argue with that.Thehouse was built to be a bachelor’s sanctuary, filled with his handcrafted furniture, leather couches, and a hodgepodge of decorations that he’d accumulated over the years.Thedécor was intended to pay homage to his love of woodworking andhismountains.

Lilywalked over to a small wooden table by the window, running her fingers lightly over its surface. “Thistable,” she said, turning to face him, “it’s beautiful.Thecraftsmanship is amazing.”

Wyattfelt a swell of pride.He’dpoured countless hours into that table, repurposing wood cut down by firefighters each year to stave off wildfires in the densely forested mountain range.

“Thankyou,” he replied. “Imade most of the furniture here myself.”

“Youdid these?”

Theimpressed look on her face was gratifying.

Hesimply nodded.

“Thesepieces have real character,Wyatt.Theywould make me feel likeI’mhere in the mountains even if they were inNewYork.”

Hesmiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. “I’mglad you think so.”

“Everthink about selling them?Thereare lots of people inManhattanwho would love locally-sourced pieces like these.”

“Neverentered my mind.Imake them for me and peopleIlove.”

Lily’swandered into the kitchen. “Nice,” she said, admiring the gleaming stainless appliances and bright blue quartz countertops.Hehad taken a chance on the bold design but the bluemadethe room.

“Doyou cook often?” she asked.

Wyattchuckled. “Notreally.I’mmore of a takeout kind of guy, to be honest.”

Lilylaughed softly, a melodic sound that filled the room with a lightness he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Well,Ican teach you a few things if you’d like.”

“Iwouldlike that.”

Wyattwatched her move about the room, her gaze flitting to the hallway leading to the back of the house, curiosity in her eyes.Ifshe would ask to see his bedroom, he wouldn’t say no.

Instead, she turned toward him.

Shelooked so beautiful.Juststanding there.

Hermahogany curls, green, soulful eyes, and spectacular smile.AJuliaRobertssmile.