Page 22 of Soaring Hearts

Andthen there were her lips.Full, ruby-colored lips.

Theattraction was intense, palpable.

Likeit had been at the kayak shack, their faces inches apart as he’d helpedLilyremove her life jacket.Ithad taken all his self-control not to lean in and devour those lips.

Ihave a boyfriend,Lilyhad said.She’dmade a point to share that with him.

Wyatthad no choice but to respect that.Heknew all too well how painful it was to be on the other side of that equation, to be the one left for someone else.Hecouldn’t do that.Hewouldn’t be the “other man.”

“Thanksfor today,”Lilysaid, pulling her car keys fromhisshorts pocket. “It’sbeen?—”

“Memorable?” he smiled.

“Yes, definitely memorable.”Shepaused, as if pondering what to say or do next.Itwas adorable.

“Ishould be going now,” she said. “Ihave to prep for a meeting.”Quickly, she added, “I’llget these clothes back to you asap.”

Heescorted her to the front door, holding it open. “AndI’llswap them for yours.They’rein the dryer at the moment.Mighttake a day or two for them to dry out.”

Shesmiled, thanked him once more and before he could come up with another way to keep her with him,Lilywalked out the door.


Lilysteered her car onto the road.Herheart finally slowed down to normal levels.Adangerous mix of emotions had taken over.Attraction, curiosity, guilt.Shewanted desperately to stay in that adorable house.WithWyatt.

Hewas strong, sensitive, and among other appealing physical qualities, he had pulled her out of the lake.Shewas touched by his attention and worry after making it to shore.

Lilyknew if she’d stayed any longer she might do something she regretted.Underother circumstances she would have checked out the rest of the house but knew his bedroom had to be back there.Inher mind it was off limits in every possible way.

EvenBerniehad made an indelible impression, not only for his over-affectionate greeting but because howWyattwas with him.Theymade a handsome pair.

Sheturned ontoSkiHillRoad, climbed the mountain, and pulled into the resort’s parking lot.Cuttingthe engine,Lilyglanced down at her attire, laughing softly.Theshirt was enormous on her, the shorts reaching past her knees.Sheloved it.

Themoment she returned to her room, she dropped onto the newly made bed andFacetimedPeter.Sheknew the phone would be near him.Italways was.

“Hey, babe,” he said, sounding and looking cheerful.Asif everything was status quo and not on the brink of collapse. “What’sgoing on?”

Shecould see he was in his office, theNewYorkskyline rising behind his large desk. “Iwas thinking about you.”

Hemoved closer to the screen. “Whatare you wearing?”


“Longstory,” she said. “Gotcaught in a rainstorm.Afriend was nice enough to loan me dry clothes.”

“Didn’trealize you had friends out there.”Hesquinted. “Afriend who likes hockey?”


Shelooked down at the shirt.Onlynow did she realize it had a sports logo. “Um, yeah,Iguess.”Sheneeded to get things back on track. “Howhave you been?”

“Good, miss you.There’sno one to go with toBryantParkonMondaynights.”

Shesmiled, grateful for the change in conversation.Andthe reminder that theydiddo some fun things together.SummerMondaysmeant outdoor movies on the park’s expansive lawn, theNewYorkLibraryat their backs.Itwas the urban way to enjoy a summer night.

Mostof her work colleagues drove out to theHamptonsorFireIslandfor summer weekends.Shewas lucky if she gotPeterout to the park across the street from their apartment.

Lilygave herself a mental slap.Witha lovely two-bedroom on theUpperEastSide, she wasn’t exactly living a rough life.