Page 14 of Soaring Hearts

“WhynotBreck?It’sbreathtaking here.Amazingoutdoor activities.”

Determinedto move the conversation away from her,Lilygestured to his t-shirt. “Soare you a handyman or do you work for the mafia?”

Heglanced down at his chest, as if unsure what he was wearing, then smiled. “Nomafia out here in the mountains.Asfar asIknow, anyway.”Hedrew his brows together. “Ishould have put the company logo on here or a picture of a house.Wedo construction.”

Well, that explained his incredible physique.

“Howabout you?” he asked. “Whatline of work allows you to live out here, an hour and a half from the nearest big city?”


“Ah, surprising.”

Unclearif she should be offended, she leaned back, crossing her arms across her chest. “Whyare you surprised?”

“Inrecent years, brokers have been coming out here in droves.Everyonewas looking to buy a place in the mountains, far from the congested cities.MostlyDenverfolks andTexans.Butthen there was too much demand, not enough supply.”

“Meansthey’ll be a need for people like you to create new homes.”

“Can’twork fast enough.Eventuallythe market will even out.ButBreckerslike to take things slow.We’rea small town and want to keep it that way.”

Somethingniggled at the back ofLily’smind.

Thenit hit her.

Thiswas the guy at the community center!Shewas sure of it.Samebravado, same voice.Theone who stood up, riling up the crowd to fight the evil developers and paralyze them with lawsuits.

Lilylooked away, trying hard to keep her face expressionless.

Loureturned to the table,Wyattrelinquishing the seat.

Loustudied the younger man’s t-shirt.Hiseyes widened as if a penny dropped. “WyattSomers, right?”

“Atyour service.Andyou are . . .?”


Wyattraised a brow. “You’reMr.Galindo?”

Lounodded, stuck out a hand. “Youdo fine work, son.”

Lilyasked, “Youknow each other?”

Loujumped in quickly. “Meetingfor the first time in person.”

Wyattseemed to be holding back, a confused look on his face “Betterbe going now.Earlystart tomorrow.”

Withoutanother word,Wyattwalked away.

Rosiecame by at that moment, setting the beers on the table.Lilytook a sip.


Lilyturned to seeWyattsauntering to the exit and stepping out into the night.

* * *

Wyattgot into his pickup,and turned on the engine, frustrated.Half-way out the door, he realized he never got the woman’s name.