Page 13 of Soaring Hearts

LilyandLoulooked up.Thetall, sun-kissed guy was now at their table.

Thewaitress began twirling her hair with her pen. “Hey,Wyatt.”

“Hey,Rosie.Don’tyou look pretty today.”

Rosielit up like a torch in a dungeon.


“Aswild as ever.”

Thehot guy namedWyattsaid, “TellhimI’llsee him at story time.”

Rosiesmiled, demurely. “Willdo.”

Lilywatched the exchange with interest.

Lousaid toRosie, “I’llhave the same.”

Rosiemade a note. “Comin’ right up . . . see ya later,Wyatt.”Shewalked away with a new spring in her step, leaving the man lingering behind.

Wyattturned his attention toLily.Heseemed to be studying her.Onlynow did she register the unusual shade of his eyes.Adeep-sea blue.Apair of crystal lasers fixed on her.

Lilywaited for him to speak.Whenhe didn’t oblige, she said, “Didyou just order my drink?”

Wyatthooked his thumbs onto his leather belt, one corner of his mouth lifting in amusement. “Yep.”

“WhatifIdon’t like it?”

“You’lllike it.”

Lilyheld back an eye roll.

Anoverconfident, flirty cowboy, trolling the local watering hole, exuding rugged machismo.Couldhe be any more stereotypical?

Wyattsaid, “Bestlocal craft beer this side of theContinentalDivide.Ifyou don’t like it, it’s on me.”

“Ithought it was on you, anyway.”

Loustood. “Needthe little boys room.Playnicely, kids.”

“MayI?” the man asked, taking upLou’sfreshly-evacuated seat before she could respond. “Youvisiting?”

Noneed to explain her circumstances. “No,I’mlocal.”

Itwas true, after all.

“Oh, really?” he said with a smirk. “Sincewhen?”

Shelooked at her watch. “Twenty-two hours ago.”

Helaughed, a deep throaty thing and she couldn’t help but join in.


Hestuck out a hand which she shook.Hispalm was firm and warm.

“WhyBreck?” he asked, leaning in.