Page 89 of Soaring Hearts

GayleandLouhad been amazing, driving her toDenverto catch her flight, reassuring her that all would be fine.Shehoped the words weren’t simply well-meaning platitudes.

Jillymerged onto theGrandCentralParkwaylike a seasonedFormulaOnedriver, forcing theBeetlebetween two cars before they could close the gap.Whenthey finally exited theFDR, the traffic slowed.Lilywatched children frolicking in the rotating sprinklers of a city park, shrieking at the shock of cold water on their skin.Shirtless, sweaty guys played basketball while old men hovered in concentration over stone chess boards.



“Whatare you thinking about?”

“HowmuchImiss the mountains.”

“Bythe torturedJaneEyrelook on your face,I’mguessing that’s code forWyattSomers.”

Lilycovered her face with her hands. “Isit that obvious?”

“Asclear as crystal, asRajiwould say.”

Lilysaid, “Ileft without a word.”

“Heletyou leave without a word.”

“Imessed with his town.”

Jillystopped at a traffic light and turned to face her. “Youwere doing your job,Lil.AndmightIremind you, you didn’t stay to finish the work.”Thelight turned green. “What’sthat about anyway?”

Lilyappreciated her sister’s protective nature.Evenif it was misplaced. “Longstory but by this time next week,I’lleither be the newest junior partner atCartwrightor another sad sack on the unemployment line.”

Thethought was terrifying.Shelet out an inadvertent sigh.

Jillytook an unexpected turn ontoBroadway.

“Whereare we going?”Lilyasked.

“Toget you a cherrySno-Cone.Theyalways make you feel better.”

“Idon’t know ifIcan afford aSno-Coneanymore.”Atear escaped. “I’mthirty years old andI’mliving with my sister, everyone hates me, especiallyWyatt.AndI’mabout to get canned.”

Sheswiped at her face, aware how pathetic she sounded.

Jillycut the engine and hugged her close. “Ifthat’s your way of tricking me into also buying lunch, it worked.Well, under one condition.”

Lilypulled a tissue from her bag and blew her nose. “Whatcondition?”

“Ifyou can decipher the parking signs.”

Therewere at least ten of them.Itwas a joke between them.Youneeded aPhDto figure them out.

Jillyeyed her expectantly, leavingLilylittle choice but to accept the challenge.

* * *

Thenext morning,Lilystepped off the bus and into a steam bath.Afterspending most of the summer inBreckenridgeshe forgot how hot it could get inManhattan.

Summerin the city was not for the faint of heart. ‘Dogdays’ was an understatement.She’dheard the rumor that one could fry an egg on the sidewalk.Giventhe hellish steam rising from the asphalt she knew it wasn’t an exaggeration.

Threewomen walked by, dressed in the skimpiest clothing they could get away with without being arrested for indecent exposure.

Thetraffic was snarled, drivers ignoring theDon’tBlocktheBoxsign intended to avoid gridlock.Lilyjoined a stream of pedestrians squeezing between a limo and delivery truck and crossedLexingtonAvenue.