Page 82 of Soaring Hearts

Lilywould wait a little longer and then go home.Itwasn’t likeGayleto be late but things were not per usual.

ShetextedGayleonce more.

I’mhere.Whereare you?


Theonly message she’d received all day fromGaylewas that she’d be coming.

Butshe was late andLilywas tired.Thesafety inspection had gone as expected.Butwhen two protestors showed up, one carrying a sign, the other a phone to film,Lilyknew there was more trouble ahead.Thesign read,Don'tWreckBreck.

Shecould have argued the private property point again but didn’t have any fight left in her.

Thephone was still filming when one of them had said in aBarbaraWalterstone, “Ms.Randolph, how much did you pay to win overMayorBillings?”


“Wehave a photo of you leaving his office days before he gave the secret thumbs up to build.Howmuch did you pay him?”

Lilyhad felt her ire rise with a vengeance. “Areyou suggestingIbribedBillings?Howdare you.”

Theymust have seen the murderous look on her face and scurried away, leavingLilyreeling from the accusation.

NowLilylooked around the restaurant, wondering if she’d cross paths withLouagain.OrWyatt.

Itwas here that they had first interacted.Somuch had transpired since then.Animage filled her mind.Wyatt'sstrong hands on her lower back, his cowlick falling into his eyes as he leaned his head down to kiss her.

Lilyswallowed hard against the rising emotion.

Sheshot a text toChelsea.

Everythingis status quo

She’dwaited for her boss to simmer down afterGaylequit.Lastthing she needed was the overflow of her boss's agitation.Givenall she'd weathered, that promotion had better be waiting for her when she returned to herManhattandesk.

Herphone dinged with an incoming text.

Needsto be open before xmas.Ownerwants the revenue.

Theyhad already discussed that.Itwasn’t possible for retailers to be in by then.Lilywas typing her reply when she received another text fromChelsea.


Lilysighed.Shestood, ready to forgo the table and head back to the hotel.Obviously, something was keepingGayle.

“Yoohoo.”Gaylewove through the growing crowd, offering a finger wave.

“Gayle, hi.”

Lilysat back down,Gaylejoining her.Shelooked different.Herlipstick was worn off.Asmile was plastered to her face.

“SorryI'mlate.ButIhave a darn good reason for it.”

“Iguess quitting agrees with you,”Lilysaid, summoning the waiter. “Twoglasses of champagne, please.”

“Ohright,Inearly forgot we were already celebrating!”

Lilygave her an ‘Are-you-okay’ look. “Whatdo you mean byalready?We’recelebrating you quittingCartwright.”