Page 81 of Soaring Hearts

Lounodded, vigorously. “It’sa miracle.Iwas hiking alone.Anyhow,Ifell.”


“Yes, yes,Iknow, it was a poor decision,”Lousaid, rambling on like a child, tripping over his words to relay all that happened. “WhenIheard someone crying,Ithought it might be a wounded animal.Turnedout—to my utter shock—it wasGayle.Shehad just quit her job.WhenIrealized who she was, it was like an explosion of fireworks.”

Wyattwas caught on every word, trying to keep up withLou’srapid-fire narrative.Hehad so many questions, he didn’t know where to begin. “Whatare the odds of the two of you bumping into each other out here inBreck?”

“IknewGayleworked atCartwrightbut until recently,Ididn’t knowCartwrightwas managing the property onFourO’clockRoad.Icertainly didn’t expect her to be here, and . . .Ithought she was married.”

Wyatt'shead was spinning. “Married.”

“Right.Butnone of this is whatIneed to speak with you about.”

Wyattran a hand through his hair and shook his head.

HewatchedLoupull something from his pocket.Aclipping of the morning paper. “Isuppose you’ve seen this.”

Wyatthad not seen it.He’dbeen too busy to read the paper but several of the locals messaged him about the reports—Breck’smayor was on the take.Itwas shocking and disheartening.AtleastBillingswas gone.Evenif he wasn’t paying for his misdeeds.

“Knowall about it, unfortunately.”

Thequestion now was who would fill the vacated seat.Fornow, the deputy mayor was temporarily taking on the responsibilities.Asoccer mom, she was stunned by the sudden upgrade in her duties.Wyattknew she was unlikely to want the unexpected promotion.

Hewaited forLouto explain what he had to do withBillingsand the accusations against him.

Instead,Louscanned the garden.Hewas smitten.Thatwas obvious. “She’sthe one,” he said. “I’mgoing to pop the question.”

Wyattwasn't sure he heard correctly. “What?Youhaven’t seen each other in decades.”

Lou'sexpression turned erudite.Likea wiseYoda. “Son,I'venegotiated multi-million dollar deals, bought and sold theRockies.Eachone came with a healthy dose of speculation.ButI'venever been more sure of anything in my life.”

NotingWyatt'sglaring skepticism, he added, “I'mnot getting any younger.I’vewaited too long as it is.”

Wyattwished he had the same clarity when it came to his own love life.

Lousquinted. “Ithought things were getting back on track for you andLily.”

“Theywere for a bit butIblew it.AtleastIthought so.SeemsIwas right to begin with.”


Wyattwas about to explain whenGaylecame rushing over. “Idid it!”

LouandWyattturned to her.Shelooked like she had just won the lottery.

“Whatdid you do?”Louasked, caught up in her excitement.

“Ifigured out how we can stop the mall from being built!”

Wyatttook in her demeanor.Gaylehad leftCartwright, adding a strange wrinkle to an already messy situation.AfterBillings’sdeception,Wyattwas wary about who to trust.

Still, ifGaylecould do what she was claiming, despite the fact that she had worked for the very company he was fighting, all would be forgiven.

Gaylewas chomping at the bit to explain.Bothmen leaned in, hanging on every word.Bythe timeLouandGayleleft,Wyatthad an entirely new perspective.Oneverything.

* * *

TheRoadhousewas filling up.Thewaiter gaveLilythe eye.Itwas unclear if he needed the table for other patrons or wanted theBigCityspy out of the establishment.